Rapports BIPM
Filtre de recherche :
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the CHMI and the BIPM
Auteurs :
Viallon J., Idrees F., Moussay P., Wielgosz R.I., Novak J., Vokoun M.
Comparison of density measurements carried out by the PTB and the BIPM on a 1.02 kg cylinder of platinum-iridium
Auteurs :
Goyon C., Davis R.S., Bettin H., Toth H.
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the APA and the BIPM (December 2009)
Auteurs :
Viallon J., Idrees F., Moussay P., Wielgosz R.I., Matos J.
Report on the WMO-BIPM workshop on Measurement Challenges for Global Observation Systems for Climate Change Monitoring: Traceability, Stability and Uncertainty
Auteurs :
Upgrade of the BIPM Standard Reference Photometers for ozone and the effect on the ongoing key comparison BIPM.QM-K1
Report on the BIPM Workshop on Metrology at the Nanoscale (18-19 February 2010)
Auteurs :
Steele A.G., Viallon J., Hatto P., Janssen T.J.B.M., Knight A., Locascio L., Miles J.R., Morazzani V., Prins S., Unger W.
Report on the BIPM Workshop on Physiological Quantities and SI Units (16-17 November 2009)
Auteurs :
Relative characterization of GNSS receiver delays for GPS and GLONASS C/A codes in the L1 frequency band at the OP, SU, PTB and AOS
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Relative characterization of GPS time equipment delays at the OP, PTB, AOS, USNO and IT
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Relative characterization of GPS time equipment delays at the OP, AOS, GUM, LT, TP, BEV, OMH, NIMB, NMC, and ZMDM
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Establishment of reference radiation qualities for mammography
Auteurs :
Kessler C., Roger P., Burns D.T.
Measuring conditions used for the calibration of National Ionometric standards at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2011/04]
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C.
Comparison of Ozone Reference Standards of the DECC NSW and the BIPM, October 2008
Auteurs :
Viallon J., Moussay P., Wielgosz R., Ross G.
Preliminary characterization of the NIS free-air chamber standard at the BIPM
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Kessler C., Roger P., El-Sersy A.R.
Construction of an absorbed-dose graphite calorimeter
Auteurs :
Picard S., Burns D.T., Roger P.
Measurement of the specific heat capacity of synthetic sapphire (a-Al2O3) from 293 K to 301 K
Auteurs :
Picard S., Burns D.T., Roger P.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, CNM, NIST, USNO and NRC
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, TCC, ONBA, IGMA and CNMP
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, NTSC, HKO, TL, SG, AUS, KRIS, NMIJ, and NICT
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, PTB, NPL and VSL
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards between the VNIIM (Russia) and the BIPM, August to October 2007 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b)
Auteurs :
A. S. Katkov, S. Solve, M. Stock
Measuring conditions used for the calibration of ionization chambers at the BIPM [(Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2009/04]
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C.
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the CHMI and the BIPM, September 2007
Auteurs :
Viallon J., Moussay P., Wielgosz R.I., Novak J., Vokoun M.
A user's guide to the information in the key comparison database
Auteurs :
Wallard A.J., Thomas C.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, March to April 2007 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b)
Auteurs :
Power O., Solve S., Stock M., Witt T.J.
A study of the response of ionization chambers to mammography beams
Auteurs :
Kessler C., Burns D.T., Büermann L., de Prez L.A.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of NMi-VSL and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Solve S., Chayramy R., van den Brom H.E., Houtzager E.
Bilateral comparison of 10 kΩ standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.b) between the EIM, Greece and the BIPM, September 2003
Auteurs :
Power O., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Fletcher N., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 1 Ω standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.a) between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, April 2006
Auteurs :
Power O., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Fletcher N., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 10 kΩ standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.b) between the INM (Romania) and the BIPM, April 2006
Auteurs :
Popovici G., Cirneanu L., Simionescu M., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Fletcher N., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 1 Ω standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.a) between the INM (Romania) and the BIPM, May 2006
Auteurs :
Popovici G., Cirneanu L., Simionescu M., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Fletcher N., Witt T.J.
Calculation of the effective area of DHI piston-cylinder No. 517, working in the absolute mode at a nominal pressure of 1000 hPa
Auteurs :
Davis R.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the NMIA and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Solve S., Budovsky I., Rigby R.
Establishment of simulated mammography radiation qualities at the BIPM
Auteurs :
Kessler C.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the OMH and the BIPM for 60Co gamma radiation
Auteurs :
Kessler C., Roger P., Burns D.T., Allisy P.J., Machula G., Csete I., Rabus H.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the INMETRO and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Solve S., Afonso E., Ferreira V., Landim R.P.
Bilateral comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V standards between the NCM (Bulgaria) and the BIPM, April to June 2006 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparisons BIPM.EM-K11.a and .b)
Auteurs :
Georgieva U., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, April to June 2006 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b)
Auteurs :
Power O., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the INETI and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann R., Solve S., Nunes M.C., Ribeiro L.F.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the LNE-LNHB and the BIPM for 60Co gamma radiation
Auteurs :
Allisy P.J., Kessler C., Burns D.T., Delaunay F., Leroy E.
Measurement of the specific heat capacity of graphite
Auteurs :
Picard S., Burns D.T., Roger P.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the BEV and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Solve S., Waldmann W., Heine G., Scheibenreiter P., Pribil J.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the NMIJ-AIST and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Solve S., Urano C., Marayama Y., Yoshida H.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the CEM and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison
Auteurs : Reymann D., Solve S., Hernandez R., Perez S., Raso F.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the PTB and the BIPM for 60Co and 137Cs gamma radiation
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Büermann L., Kramer H.-M.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the ENEA-INMRI and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C., Laitano R.F., Bovi M., Pimpinella M., Toni M.P.
Re-establishment of the air kerma and ambient dose equivalent standards for the BIPM protection-level 60Co beam
Auteurs :
Kessler C., Roger P.
The BIPM key comparison database (KCDB): technical aspects and data management
Auteurs :
Thomas C.
The BIPM key comparison database (KCDB): linkage of key comparison results
Auteurs :
Thomas C.
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the CHMI and the BIPM
Auteurs :
Viallon J., Moussay P., Wielgosz R.I., Novak J., Vokoun M.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, March to April 2005 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Power O, Witt T.J.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the NRC and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Solve S., Wood B.
Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the NPL and the BIPM (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K10.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Solve S., Porter C.H., Jansen T.J.B.M., Williams J.M.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the LNMRI/IRD and the BIPM for 60Co rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Kessler C., Mello da Silva C.N.
Measuring conditions used for the calibration of ionization chambers at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2007/06]
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C.
Absolute frequency measurement of the b10 component of the =
Auteurs :
Ma L.S., Picard S., Zucco M., Chartier J.-M., Robertsson L., Balling P., Kren P., Qian J., Liu Z., Shi C., Viliesid Alonso M., Xu G., Tan S.L., Nyholm K., Henningsen J., Hald J., Windeler R.
Note on the decay correction required for a radionuclide NX in presence of its metastable state NXm
Auteurs :
Michotte C.
Bilateral comparison of 10 kΩ standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.b) between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, June 2004
Auteurs :
Delahaye F., Power O., Jaouen A., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 1 Ω standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.a) between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, June 2004
Auteurs :
Delahaye F., Power O., Jaouen A., Witt T.J.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the NMIJ and the BIPM for 137Cs gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Takata N., Koyama Y., Kurosawa T.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the NMIJ and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Takata N., Koyama Y., Kurosawa T.
Bilateral comparison of 100 pF capacitance standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K14.b) between the NML, Ireland and the BIPM, January/April 2004
Auteurs :
Power O., Delahaye F.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, March to May 2004 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Power O., Witt T.J.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP and CH
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Bilateral comparison of 10 kΩ standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.b) between the EIM (Greece) and the BIPM, September 2003
Auteurs :
Delahaye F., Holiastou M., Flouda E., Jaouen A., Witt T.J.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, PTB, AOS, KRISS, CRL, NIST, USNO and APL
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, NPL, IEN, PTB and VSL
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Tisserand L.
Determining the temperature coefficient of remanent magnetization for the magnets used to servocontrol the FB-2 balance
Auteurs :
Davis R.S.
Bilateral comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V standards between the NML/CSIRO (Australia) and the BIPM, October to December 2003 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparisons BIPM.EM-K11.a & .b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Frenkel R., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards between the CSIR-NML (South Africa) and the BIPM, October to December 2003 (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b)
Auteurs :
Reymann D., Tarnow E., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 1 Ω standards (ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K13.a) between the KRISS, Republic of Korea and the BIPM, June 2003
Auteurs :
Yu K.M., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Witt T.J.
Réalisation de l'unité de flux lumineux par la méthode absolue de la sphère intégrante
Auteurs :
Solve S.
Revised comparison of the standards for air kerma of the ENEA-INMRI and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Laitano R.F., Toni M., Bovi M.
Comparison of the standards of absorbed dose to water of the VNIIFTRI, Russia and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Berlyand V., Bregadze Y., Korostin S.
Comparison of the standards of absorbed dose to water of the OMH and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Csete I.
Absolute frequency measurements of the 532 nm radiation recommended for the realization of the metre
Auteurs :
Robertsson L., Zucco M., Ma L.-S.
Bilateral comparison of 10 V standards (part of the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.EM-K11.b) between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, March 2003
Auteurs :
Power O., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, NTSC, CRL, NMIJ, TL and NML
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Moussay P.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipment located at the OP, NPL, VSL and OCA
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Moussay P.
Comparison of ozone reference standards of the CHMI and the BIPM
Auteurs :
Wielgosz R.I., Viallon J., Novak J., Vokoun M.
Comparison of the standards for absorbed dose to water of the METAS and the BIPM for 60Co gamma radiation
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Stucki G.
Bilateral comparison of 10 pF and 100 pF capacitance standards (ongoing BIPM key comparisons BIPM.EM-K14.a and BIPM.EM-K14.b) between the NPL and the BIPM, April/May 2002 [report modified July 2004]
Auteurs :
Delahaye F., Awan S.A.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the NRC and the BIPM in the medium-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Shortt K.R., VanderZwan L.
Bilateral comparison of 10 kΩ standards between NML, Ireland and the BIPM, March 2002
Auteurs :
Power O., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of 1 standards between NML, Ireland and the BIPM, March 2002
Auteurs :
Power O., Jaouen A., Delahaye F., Witt T.J.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the OMH and the BIPM in the low-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Csete I.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the BEV and the BIPM in the low-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Witzani J.
Comparison of the standards for air kerma of the ENEA-INMRI and the BIPM for 60Co gamma radiation
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Toni M., Bovi M.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the NPL and the BIPM in the low- and medium-energy x-ray ranges
Auteurs :
Boutillon M., Burns D.T., Moretti C.J., Williams T.T.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the PTB and the BIPM in the medium-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Bueermann L., Kramer H.-M., Lange B.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the VNIIM and the BIPM in the low-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Villevalde N.D., Oborin A.V., Yurjatin E.N.
Bilateral comparison of 1.018 V and 10 V standards between the NML (Ireland) and the BIPM, March 2002
Auteurs :
Powers O., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Comparison of the standards of air kerma of the SMU Slovakia and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Gabris F., Dobrovodský J.
Comparison of the standards of air kerma of the NCM Bulgaria and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C., Ivanov R.N.
Determination of the differential time corrections for GPS time equipement located at the OP, IEN, ROA, PTB, NIST and USNO
Auteurs :
Lewandowski W., Moussay P.
Comparison of the standards of air kerma of the SZMDM Yugoslavia and the BIPM for 60Co gamma rays
Auteurs :
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C., Spasic-Jokic V.
Final report on the International Comparison of Luminous Responsivity CCPR-K3.b [Note: This report has been superseded by Metrologia, 2004, 41, Tech. Suppl. 02001]
Auteurs :
Köhler R., Stock M., Garreau C.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the PTB and the BIPM in the low-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Bueermann L., Kramer H.-M., Lange B.
Comparison of the air-kerma standards of the VNIIM and the BIPM in the medium-energy x-ray range
Auteurs :
Burns D.T., Villevalde N.D., Oborin A.V., Yurjatin E.N.
Bilateral comparison of
Auteurs :
Sochocka D., Stanioch W., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparison of
Auteurs :
Vrabcek P., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Measuring conditions used for the calibration of ionization chambers at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2004/17]
Auteurs :
Boutillon M., Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T.
Bilateral comparison of
Auteurs :
Waldmann W., Reymann D., Witt T.J.
Bilateral comparisons of
Auteurs :
Power O., Reymann D., Witt T.J.