Membres d'un groupe de travail

Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions (RMO: COOMET)

Présidence des comités techniques

M. Anatolii Bescupschi

TC 1.7 Photometry and radiometry

M. Konstantin Chekirda

TC 1.5 Length and angle

Mme Dina Chepurnaya

TC 3.1 Quality Forum Technical Committee

Mme Anna Chunovkina

TC 1.1 General questions concerning measurements (General metrology)

M. Aleksandr Isaev

TC 1.2 Acoustics, ultrasound, vibration

M. Sergey Kondratiev

TC 1.10 Thermometry and thermal physics

M. Leonid Konopelko

TC 1.8 Physical chemistry

M. Roman Korneev

TC 1.4 Flow measurement

M. Yuriy Kuzmenko

TC 2 Legal Metrology

M. Sergey Medvedevskikh

TC 1.12 Reference materials

M. Nikolay N. Moiseev

TC 1.9 Ionizing radiation and radioactivity

M. Pavel Neyezhmakov

TC 4 Information and Training Technical Committee

M. Igor Norets

TC 1.11 Time and frequency

M. Ilya Shmigelskiy

TC 1.6 Mass and related quantities

Mme Maryna Yarmalovich

TC 1.3 Electricity and magnetism

M. Nikita Zviagin

Chairperson of the Joint Committee for Measurement Standards (JCMS)

COOMET website

COOMET - site internet