Calibration and Measurement Capabilities – CMCs
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In case of multiple search, please use ADVANCED SEARCH.
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Key and supplementary comparisons
Added keywords act as an additional filter. Keywords separated by a space will be treated by the logical function AND automatically. You may also use OR. Keyword searches also find close matches. Placing quotation marks (") before and after the search word, e.g. "word", will allow for exact matches.

In case of multiple search, please use ADVANCED SEARCH.
Advanced search
18 FEBRUARY 2025
Key  Comparison - Chemistry
The Final report and results of the key comparison CCQM-K96.2023 have been published in the KCDB. This is a comparison on the determination of the amount content of oxidants, coordinated by Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Korea and included participants from 7 state economies.
17 FEBRUARY 2025
Key  Comparison - Electrochemistry
The results of CCQM-K73.2018.3 linked to those of CCQM-K73.2018 have been published in the KCDB. This is a comparison on the determination of the concentration of H+ in hydrochloric acid solution. The comparison was coordinated by National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China, with the participation of TÜBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü (UME), Türkiye.
14 FEBRUARY 2025
Key comparison - CCEM
The Final report of the key comparison CCEM.RF-K5.c.CL has been published in the KCDB. This is a comparison for scattering parameters and reflection coefficients by broad-band method, piloted by the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) Japan in which 15 state economies paricipated.
13 FEBRUARY 2025
Electricity and Magnetism - AFRIMETS
3 new CMCs have recently been published in the KCDB for Egypt and Ethiopia via AFRIEMTS, in the field of Electricity and Magnetism.
Currently in the KCDB there are
256 CIPM MRA participants
1215 key comparisons
26124 CMCs
717 supplementary comparisons