Online Briefing on the establishment of a Forum on Metrology and Digitalization
22 May 2023
Contact person
10:00-12:00 UTC (12:00-14:00 CEST)
In March 2023, the CIPM decided to establish a cross-sectional Forum on Metrology and Digitalization to follow through on the mandate received from the CGPM in November 2022 to develop the SI Digital Framework. The new Forum will provide an opportunity for discussion between NMIs, RMOs, the CCs and the other stakeholders in the international science and quality infrastructure. It will advise the CIPM on matters related to digitalization, and on work to harmonize CIPM activities in consultation with its stakeholders.
At this Online Briefing a roadmap to establish the Forum will be presented, and the best way to optimize interactions between the CCs (and other stakeholders) and the Forum will be discussed. Some digitalization projects under way at the BIPM and in the CCs will be presented. There will also be an opportunity for discussion to clarify the needs of the CCs with respect to digitalization, and possible ways to harmonize the digitalization efforts between the various CCs.
- Welcome
- CGPM Resolution 2 (2022) and Decisions of the CIPM (March 2023)
- The CIPM Grand Vision
- Forum on Metrology and Digitalization: Mission and Structure
- Roadmap towards the Forum
- BIPM HQ Activities: the SI Reference Point
- Examples of digitalization in the Consultative Committees: CCL-CCTF and CCT
- Discussion of the needs of CCs and their interaction with the Forum
Introduction: CGPM Resolution 2 (2022) and CIPM Decisions (2023)
Joachim Ullrich (CIPM)
CIPM Vision 2023: Transforming the SI for a Digital World
Daniel Hutzschenreuter
Forum for Metrology and Digitalization: Proposed Mission and Structure
Héctor Laiz (CIPM)
Digitalization activities in the CCL and CCTF: Standard frequencies
Andrew Lewis (NPL)
CCT Task Group on Digitalization (CCT-TG-Dig)
Patrick Rourke (NRC)