15th meeting of the CCTF
20 to 21 June 2001
Meeting report
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Time and frequency comparisons using Global Positioning System (GPS) phase and code measurements
DOI : 10.59161/CCTF2001REC2E
The meaning of the designation "k" in UTC(k) and TAI(k)
DOI : 10.59161/CCTF2001REC3E
Calibration of time links for International Atomic Time
DOI : 10.59161/CCTF2001REC4E
Technical guidelines for manufacturers of Global Navigation Satellite Systems receivers used for timing
DOI : 10.59161/CCTF2001REC5E
Working documents
NIST (United States).- Report to the 15th meeting of the CCTF on the activities of the NIST Time and Frequency Division
NIST (United States).- Recommendation Concerning the Realization of the Second
CRL (Japan). - Summary of time and frequency activities at CRL
CRL (Japan). - PowerPoint presentation
METAS, ON (Switzerland). - Report to the 15th session of the Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF), 20-21 June 2001
G.Dudle, P.Thomann
NPLI (India). - Status report of time and frequency activities of National Physical Laboratories, New Delhi, India
KRISS (Korea). - Report to the 15th session of the Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF)
IGS/BIPM. - IGS/BIPM pilot project to study time and frequency comparisons using GPS phase and code measurements
NRLM (Japan) - Research activities on Time and Frequency; National Metrology Institute of Japan / AIST (Formerly called "National Research Laboratoty of Metrology")
NML(AUS) (Australia) - Report to CCTF from the National Measurement Laboratory CSIRO Australia
PTB (Germany) - Report on Activities to the 15th Session of the Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency, June 2001
TUG (Austria) - Report to the 15th Meeting of the Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF), June 2001
BIPM - A revised way of fixing an upper limit to clock weights in TAI computation
J. Azoubib
IEN (Italy) - Report to the 15th session of the CCTF, Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale "G. Ferraris"
URSI - URSI Commission J Working Group questionnaire concerning leap seconds in UTC
ITU Radiocommunication study groups - Report of the activities of the Special Rapporteur Group 7A on the future of UTC
NMi VSL - Contribution of the NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium, period 1999-2001
G. de Jong
CCTF Working Group on the consequences of the global MRA - Draft Report and Proposals from the CCTF WGMRA
G. de Jong, chairman
BIPM - Calibration of time links for TAI
BIPM - Use of primary frequency standards for estimating the duration of the scale unit of TAI
BIPM - A rapid computation of a prediction of TAI and UTC
BIPM/IAU JCR - BIPM/IAU Joint Committee on relativity for space-time reference systems and metrology
G. Petit, chairman
BIPM - Publication of the BIPM TWSTFT reports and introduction of TWSTFT into the construction of TAI
J.Azoubib, W. Lewandowski
NIST - Letter of the chairman of the Committee on GPS and GLONASS Time Transfer Standards
J. Levine
Sub-WG on Algorithms - Working Group on TAI, Sub-Working Group on Algorithms - Report
CGGTTS - GPS and GLONASS timing receivers - Draft recommendation
USNO - Report on the Time and Frequency Activities of the Time Service Department of the U.S.Naval Observatory
NRC - Report on activities to the 15th session of the Consultative Committe for Time and Frequency
NRC - PowerPoint presentation
ITU- Report of the IUT-R working party 7A in the period 1999 to 2001
Galileo Satellite System - UTC and Galileo time services: a report from the Galileosat Working Group on the Galileo time interface
P.Tavella, J.Laverty, J.Hahn
CGGTTS - CGTTS guidelines for manufacturers of GNSS receivers used for timing
CCTF Working Group on TWSTFT - TWSTST Report - PowerPoint presentation
CCTF Working Group on the consequences of the global MRA - PowerPoint presentation
G. de Jong, chairman