Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (CCEM)
Senior Scientist
VSL Dutch Metrology Institute
Executive Secretary
Director of the Physical Metrology Department
Bureau international des poids et mesures
Meetings and related documents
Upcoming Meeting
Past Meeting
- 29
- October
- 2024
Past Meeting
Working Groups
Meeting reports
The Consultative Committee for Electricity (CCE) was set up in 1927. Its name was changed to Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism by the CIPM in 1997.
Present activities concern practical realizations of the SI volt, ohm, ampere and watt, laboratory reference standards of the volt and the ohm based upon the Josephson and quantum-Hall effects, capacitance standards and AC/DC measurements, RF and microwave standards, and advice to the CIPM on matters related to electrical standards.
Reports and announcements