Working Group Members

CCTF Working Group on Time Scale Algorithms (CCTF-WG-ALGO)


Dr Elizabeth Donley

National Institute of Standards and Technology

United States of America


Dr Giulio Tagliaferro

Bureau international des poids et mesures


cctf-wg-algo members


  • Representatives of the laboratories contributing to TAI with expertise or interest in algorithms
  • Individual responsible for TAI at the BIPM
  • Members of the BIPM Time Department devoted to the TAI algorithm, one of them acting as the CCTF-WG-ALGO Secretary
  • Members of other organizations or institutions interested in developing and using time algorithms

List of meetings


Terms of reference

  • to promote and support the development and improvement of the mathematical algorithms for the treatment of Time and Frequency measures used to establish a time scale, to characterize clock behaviour, or to any other applications that may arise;
  • to help the dissemination of the developed algorithms and tools for allowing their correct use in Time and Frequency metrology;
  • to support the modernization and the improvement, whenever necessary, of the TAI algorithm,
  • to assist developing or new laboratories in the correct understanding and implementation of the Time and Frequency algorithms;
  • to support the correct understanding and application of time algorithms also in other fields (e.g. navigation, telecommunication) where they may be necessary;
  • to establish temporary ad hoc study groups to analyse some specific problems, whenever necessary; these study groups should report to the working group;
  • to organize the "Time Scale Algorithm Symposium" as a means to support the scientific community to identify new needs, to devise, develop, and disseminate algorithms.

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