Coordination - Strategic overview

BIPM work programme - Coordination and institutional liaison

Strategic overview

  • To work with the CIPM to improve and promote the mutual recognition of national measurement standards and of calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) issued by NMIs (the CIPM MRA), particularly by operation of the KCDB and supporting the JCRB.
    • To provide the underpinning for the FAIR data and metadata, specifically focusing on the support necessary from the KCDB for digital calibration certificates, including evolution of the database and its machine-readable interfaces.
  • To liaise with the NMIs of Member States, Associates and the Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs).
    • To work with the CIPM and the Member States Representatives with a particular focus on liaising with existing Member States and the RMOs as models are explored and, potentially, implemented to facilitate participation of those states not yet participating in the activities of the BIPM.
  • To work with the CIPM to promote the importance of the global comparability of measurements with international organizations of strategic importance to the mission (including the OIML, ILAC, ISO, WTO-TBT) and to work with them and others through Joint Committees.
    • To work towards better coordination and recognition of “Quality Infrastructure” (QI) and the central role of metrology within it amongst International Organizations and their stakeholders.
    • To implement a strategy of shared representation with partner organizations.


Member States Associates RMOs


CIPM Consultative Committees Joint Committees Institutional liaisons

work programme FOOTNOTE

For more details please see:

BIPM strategic plan