
Resolution 9 of the 20th CGPM (1995)

Dotation of the BIPM

The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures,


  • the importance of the work carried out by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and the services it renders to Member States of the Convention du Mètre,
  • the considerable efforts made by the BIPM to enhance the efficiency of its operation, and its commitment to continue these efforts,
  • the need to provide the resources necessary for the efficient carrying out of the tasks given to it by the Conférence Générale,
  • the difficult economic situation now existing in many Member States of the Convention du Mètre,

decides that the fixed part of the annual dotation of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures will be increased in a way such that the sum of the fixed part and the complementary part (defined by Article 6; (1921) of the Rules annexed to the Convention du Mètre 1875) shall, for those States members of the Convention du Mètre at the time of the 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, be

27 144 000 gold francs in 1997
28 365 000 gold francs in 1998
29 642 000 gold francs in 1999
30 976 000 gold francs in 2000.

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM1995RES9E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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