CCRI Newsletter - INTRO

The CCRI News resource

Latest updates from the ionizing radiation metrology community

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Executive Summary for the CCRI (Recommendations and Actions)

The CCRI was held at the Pavillon du Mail at the BIPM headquarters in Sèvres, France, and was well attended in person (36 participants) and additionally had online participation (30 attendees). This was the first in person meeting of the CCRI since the global pandemic was declared in 2020. The meeting was chaired by the new CCRI president JT Janssen from NPL. The following list outlines the recommendations, in addition to those issued from the Sections, and actions noted from the one and a half days of the 29th meeting of the CCRI.

  • The Joint Committee of the Regional Metrology Organizations and the BIPM (JCRB) made a recommendation to the CCRI that given the availability in the KCDB (the key comparison database) of a unique and persistent identifier for each CMC (and each version of a CMC), all participating National Metrological Institute or Designated Institute (for example in their quality documentation) are recommended to use these CMC identifiers and asks the BIPM to make available appropriate training material to encourage this practice.​
  • Following decisions made at the 26th meeting of CCRI, small changes to membership rules to the CCRI are proposed. As a reminder, membership is decided by the CIPM and is open to Institutions of Member States that are recognized internationally as the most expert in the field. Institutes which are member of at least 2 CCRI sections can be Members of CCRI, and institutes are member in 1 CCRI section can become official Observers of CCRI. Institutes meeting these requirements are invited to apply for Member or Observer status by sending a letter to the BIPM director. 
  • For Sections, only Institutes names will be kept on the BIPM webpages (no more individual names). In addition, only two types of status will be possible for CCRI Sections, Member or Guest, and the Observer status will be abolished. The number of participants to Section meetings will be limited to 2 to 3 per member depending on the approval by the Section Chair.