
Resolution 10 of the 24th CGPM (2011)

On the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the BIPM

The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,


considering that

  • the Metre Convention, which established the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, was signed in 1875 and last modified in 1921,
  • the Annexed Regulations of the Metre Convention were amended on a number of occasions since then,
  • the role and mission of the BIPM were reconfirmed in Resolution 2 adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting,
  • the governance was last examined by an ad hoc Working Group set up at the 16th meeting of the CGPM, that the conclusions of this ad hoc Working Group were that changes to the Metre Convention at that time were neither necessary nor desirable, and that these conclusions were approved by the CGPM at its 17th meeting in 1983,
  • expectations of financial management and accountability have continued to increase both in national administrations and international organizations,


  • that contacts between the BIPM and governments of States Parties to the Metre Convention have been reinforced since the 23rd meeting of the CGPM through short reports from the Director of the BIPM and a special meeting of representatives of States Parties to the Metre Convention prior to the 24th meeting of the CGPM,
  • that the BIPM has implemented an accrual basis system of accounting to increase the effectiveness, accountability and transparency of the BIPM financial management,
  • the comments expressed by representatives of States Parties to the Metre Convention at a meeting in May 2011, including the following:
    • All States strongly support and appreciate the Metre Convention and the work of the BIPM, noting that it is moving forward, for example with the development of the CIPM MRA,
    • There was unanimous support for a new and stronger strategic direction for the BIPM with a clear idea of priorities, developed jointly between States Parties to the Metre Convention, NMIs and the CIPM,
    • There are different opinions about the levels of coordination/cooperation activities and laboratory activities,
    • A key aspect of the new strategy will be consideration of the appropriate roles of the BIPM, Regional Metrology Organizations and NMIs,


  • the CIPM to establish an ad hoc Working Group under the Chairmanship of the President of the CIPM, with representation from the CIPM, States Parties to the Metre Convention (with maximum, intermediary and minimum contributions) and NMIs, properly balanced to represent all regions, and the Director of the BIPM, charged with conducting a Review of the role, mission, objectives, long-term financial stability, strategic direction and governance of the BIPM,
  • the ad hoc Working Group to present the findings of this Review to the CIPM, States Parties to the Metre Convention and NMI Directors in October 2012,
  • the CIPM to formulate proposed actions on the basis of the findings of the ad hoc Working Group and implement those within its authority, subject to support from the representatives of States Parties to the Metre Convention and NMI Directors, during the 2013-2014 timeframe,
  • the CIPM to report to the CGPM at its 25th meeting on recommendations from the Review of the ad hoc Working Group, actions consequently taken by the CIPM and proposals for additional actions that require the approval of the CGPM.

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM2011RES10E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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