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Recommendation 1 of the 25th CCT (2010)

Mission of the CCT

The Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) recommends that the following mission statement be approved.

The mission of the CCT is to ensure that:

  • the SI units of the quantities relevant to thermal metrology are realized and disseminated in a uniform and appropriate manner worldwide in order to establish and maintain global compatibility of such measurements through promotion of traceability to the SI;
  • the CIPM is advised on all scientific matters that influence thermal metrology, including any BIPM scientific programme activities in the relevant field, and that the relevant actions required by CIPM are implemented.

Thermal metrology includes temperature, thermal energy (heat), humidity and thermophysical properties.

This mission is achieved through:

  • providing recommendations for the definition and realization of the SI unit of temperature, the kelvin, and of temperature scales, and of derived quantities relevant to thermal metrology;
  • informing and recommending research on thermal measurement to the NMIs to ensure the appropriate development of the SI, especially in relation to the kelvin, including its definition, and that of the units of derived quantities relevant to thermal metrology;
  • informing and recommending research on thermal measurement to the NMIs to ensure that they continue to meet the developing needs of science, enterprise and society;
  • undertaking formal consultation and where appropriate collaboration with stakeholders to identify current and future metrological needs and challenges, facilitating the development of appropriate and cross-disciplinary solutions;
  • implementing duties required by the CIPM MRA relevant to thermal metrology, including oversight of key comparisons and CMCs;
  • providing appropriate guidance to all thermal metrology users for the proper realization and dissemination of the kelvin and derived units relevant to thermal metrology, including methods for evaluating uncertainty in the relevant measurements;
  • providing guidance to all thermal metrology users for the measurement of temperature, thermal energy (heat), humidity and thermophysical properties, including methods for evaluating uncertainty;
  • acting as a forum for the exchange of scientific and technical information about the activities of its members and create opportunities for collaboration;
  • identifying, collating and transmitting to stakeholders evidence of the value of developments in thermal metrology;
  • implementing any other duties required by the CIPM relevant to thermal metrology, as stated in the document “Responsibilities of Consultative Committees”.

DOI : 10.59161/CCT2010REC1E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text