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Recommendation 3 of the 10th CCL (2001)

Revision of recommended radiations

The Consultative Committee for Length,

considering that

  • a number of new frequency values for radiations of high-stability cold atom and ion standards already listed on the recommended radiations list are now available;
  • the frequencies of radiations of several new cold-ion species have also recently been measured;
  • new and improved values for a number of optical frequency standards based on gas cells have been determined, including the wavelength region of interest to optical telecommunications;

proposes that the recommended radiations list be revised to include the following:

  • updated frequency values for cold Ca, H, and the trapped Sr+ ion;
  • frequency values for new cold-ion species including trapped Hg+ , trapped In+ and trapped Yb+ ;
  • updated frequency values for Rb-stabilized lasers, iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG and He-Ne lasers, methane-stabilized He-Ne lasers and OsO4- stabilized CO2 lasers at 10 µm;
  • frequency values for standards relevant to the optical communications bands, including rubidium- and acetylene-stabilized lasers.

DOI : 10.59161/CCL2001REC3E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text