
Resolution 3 of the 24th CGPM (2011)

Dotation of the BIPM for the years 2013 to 2015

The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,

recalling Article I of the Metre Convention in which States Parties to the Metre Convention undertake to maintain at their common expenses a scientific and permanent International Bureau of Weights and Measures,

recognizing that this implies a sustainable long term financial support to ensure the continued fulfilment of its mission, the delivery of its core activities and the responsibilities given to the BIPM in the proposed programme of work for 2013-2015,


  • the increased importance of the work of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) to international trade, industrial innovation, climate change, human health and medicine, food and forensic science in all States Parties to the Metre Convention,
  • the recognition of the BIPM as a technically expert intergovernmental organization which reacts to the needs of the States Parties to the Metre Convention,
  • the way in which the BIPM continues to adopt best management practice and improve the efficiency of its staff,
  • the need to replenish the level of the BIPM Capital Investment Fund,
  • that by sharing the cost of the proposed facilities and funding the BIPM, States Parties to the Metre Convention make substantial savings and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of both their national metrology structures and their international metrology activities,

thanks those National Metrology Institutes which have provided voluntary contributions of all kinds to the BIPM,


  • National Metrology Institutes to increase the number of staff seconded to the BIPM to work on projects of mutual interest integrated into the programme of work of the BIPM,
  • States Parties, as well as international organizations, private organizations and foundations also to provide additional voluntary financial support of all kinds to support specific BIPM mission-related activities,

decides that the annual dotation of the BIPM, as defined in Article 6, 1921, of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention, will be increased in such a way that, for those States that are Parties to the Metre Convention at the time of the 24th meeting of the CGPM, it shall be:

11 577 000 euros in 2013
11 693 000 euros in 2014
11 810 000 euros in 2015

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM2011RES3E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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