
Resolution 5 of the 23rd CGPM (2007)

On Associate States of the General Conference

The 23rd General Conference,


  • Resolution 3 of the 21st General Conference,
  • that the status of Associate State should be a possible first step to accede to the Metre Convention,
  • the technical and economic benefits gained by Associates,
  • the level of the financial subscription of the Associates in relation to these activities and benefits,
  • the increasing costs to Member States of the participation of Associates in the CIPM MRA and in some elements of the work of Consultative Committees,

invites the International Committee to draw up criteria which would enable it to review whether it would be appropriate for an Associate to become a Member State and to report to the 24th General Conference on any changes to the conditions regarding the status of Associate,


  • that the International Committee will review the situation of each Associate State five years after its admission as an Associate with a view to encouraging it to accede to the Metre Convention,
  • that an application to become an Associate of the CGPM will not be considered from States which were previously a State party to the Metre Convention, and
  • that an Associate State which accedes to the Metre Convention will pay an entrance fee from which its subscriptions paid as Associate of the CGPM, will be deducted, up to a maximum of five years subscription.

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM2007RES5E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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