BIPM Virtual Workshop on Accurate Monitoring of Surface Ozone
5-9 October 2020 (online)
Implementing a Globally Coordinated Change in Ozone Cross-Section Value
for Surface Ozone Monitoring
for Surface Ozone Monitoring
Workshop Executive Secretary
J. Viallon
Steering Committee
P. Brewer
R.I. Wielgosz
S. Lee
I. Chubchenko
J. Carney
J.T. Hodges
J. Norris
K. Saarnio
N. Ntsasa
A. Borowiak
The reference method for ground-level ozone measurements is based on UV photometry, with replicates of the NIST Standard Reference Photometer (SRP) acting as primary standards for numerous national and international ozone-monitoring networks. Measurements of ozone amount fractions in ambient air are thus ultimately anchored to the value of the ozone absorption cross-section at the wavelength 253.65 nm. A consensus value with the smallest uncertainty ever achieved was published in 2019.
Global coordination is now required to implement the 2019 value, which will increase the measured atmospheric ozone concentrations. The workshop aims to gather representatives of reference laboratories, monitoring networks, legislators, and ozone analyser manufacturers to develop a plan and timetable for the adoption of the 2019 value.
The virtual workshop will include five on-line sessions from Monday 5 to Friday 9 October 2020, each session starting at 12:00 (UTC+2):
- Monday: Surface ozone measurement and its impact / Survey feedback
- Tuesday: International standards, calibration services and monitoring networks
- Wednesday: Air quality normative aspects; ozone analyser manufacturing
- Thursday: Break out session for Task Groups
- Friday: Feedback from Task Groups, conclusions and recommendations
For the full Agenda please see below.
Attendance and registration
The series of virtual meeting will take place on Zoom. Register in advance at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
To gather opinions, stakeholders and other interested parties are invited to reply to an online survey. The results will be presented during the first session.
Please take five minutes to let us know your views on the way toward the adoption of the new ozone cross-section value:
Ordre du jour
Intention to change the Ozone Cross-Section Value for Surface Ozone Measurement
Impact on national ozone monitoring network by the new ozone absorption cross-section value in Korea
J-H Park
Ozone traceability, surface monitoring impacts, and potential implementation issues in the United States
J. Rice
Past ozone cross−sections transitions in Total Ozone measurements
D. Tarasick
Calibration services for ozone standards and instruments Within Switzerland
B. Niederhauser
Calibration services for ozone standards and instruments Within United States of America
J. Norris
Primary Surface Ozone Standard Reference Photometers and BIPM.QM-K1
J. Viallon
Impact of surface ozone on human health and the environmental
M. Wichmann−Fiebig