Working Group Members

CIPM Sub-Committee on Strategy (CIPM-SC-STRATEGY)


Dr Wynand Louw

Formerly Director of Research, International and Infrastructure Development, NMISA

South Africa

BIPM contact

Dr Anna Cypionka

International Liaison and Communication Department, Director

Bureau international des poids et mesures


List of meetings

Meetings and related documents

cipm-sc-strategy mission


Considering Recommendations 1 and 2 of the ad hoc Working Group, the CIPM Sub-Committee on Strategy will advise and support the CIPM by:

  1. Developing a compact and clear statement of the Vision/Mission/Objectives (VMO) of the BIPM, reinterpreted for the 21st century (and based on the text reaffirmed by the ad hoc Working Group).

  2. Developing a planning process including criteria for selecting and assessing projects for the BIPM work programme in order to:
    • Review existing projects and coordination activities against the criteria;
    • Review the proposed new work programme against the criteria;
    • The criteria should include (inter alia):
      • Is the BIPM uniquely placed to undertake the work?
      • Are they complementary to the activities of the NMIs?
      • Is it most cost effective for the work to be undertaken by the BIPM?
      • What are the risks associated with the work being done at the BIPM?
      • Does the BIPM have the necessary resources?
      • Does it have the support of NMIs from Member States?
      • If the work were not done by the BIPM, would it need to be done by an NMI?
  1. Identifying and reporting on long-term challenges in metrology, both independently, based on input from the NMIs and based on the CC Strategic Plans mindful of maintaining complementarity with the RMOs.

    Prioritize potential future project areas most appropriate for the BIPM work programme based on the strategic plan.

    Review the current CC structure, considering (inter alia)
    • Is it the most appropriate to meet long-term needs?
    • Is there sufficient interaction/collaboration between existing CCs?
    • Is there sufficient interaction with other international bodies?
  1. Reviewing the operation of the CIPM MRA and develop proposals for its future operation.


The CIPM Sub-Committee on Strategy will advise and support the CIPM on the following five areas:

  1. responding to the evolving needs for metrology
  2. addressing key scientific challenges to advance the global measurement system
  3. strategy for deepening engagement with other international organizations on measurement science issues
  4. reviewing the strategy for future membership of the organization
  5. modernizing the operations of the organization

The outcome should focus on what the CIPM can do to address these issues, reflecting them in the operation of the BIPM staff and laboratories. Regular reports should be given to the CIPM, with a consolidated report to the 27th meeting of the CGPM.

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