
Resolution 4 of the 17th CGPM (1983)

Appropriation for the BIPM

The 17th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures,


  • the importance of the work carried out by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and of the services that it renders to all countries,
  • the necessity of providing the BIPM with a minimum of resources which will not endanger the pursuit of these activities and
  • the difficulty of foreseeing, in the present economic circumstances, the minimum financial resources needed to permit the BIPM to fulfil its mission as the world centre for scientific metrology,


1985: 13 144 000 gold-francs
1986: 14 327 000 gold-francs
1987: 15 616 000 gold-francs
1988: 17 022 000 gold-francs.


  • that the fixed portion of the BIPM's annual appropriation shall be increased in such a way that the sum of the fixed and complementary (defined by Article 6 (1921) of the Rules Appended to the Convention du Mètre of 1875) portions shall be, for the Member States of the Convention at the time of the 17th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, for


DOI : 10.59161/CGPM1983RES4E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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