Working Group Members

CCTF Working Group on GNSS Time Transfer (CCTF-WGGNSS)


Dr Pascale Defraigne

Responsible for the Time Laboratory

Observatoire Royal de Belgique



Dr Giulio Tagliaferro

Bureau international des poids et mesures


cctf-wggnss members


  • Representatives from Group 1 laboratories
  • Experts from laboratories contributing to UTC
  • Ex officio members:
    • Representatives of other Working Groups of the CCTF, as needed
    • Members of the BIPM Time Department, as needed (one acting as CCTF-WGGNSS Secretary)

List of meetings

Meetings and related documents


Terms of reference

  • to report to the CCTF on the state of the art in GNSS time and frequency transfer and to provide recommendations concerning receiving systems, calibration and data processing;
  • in collaboration with the BIPM, to gather and share the information and the experience on available equipment, characterization of the hardware delays, data processing and scientific results;
  • to maintain contacts with the receiver manufacturers in order to inform them about our needs;
  • to stimulate the collection and analysis of code and carrier phase data from all GNSS constellations;
  • to stimulate the development of calibration procedures in agreement with new GNSS receiving systems;
  • to establish contacts with the parallel scientific communities working on the definition of the receiver output standards;
  • to study the clock results formats in agreement with the user needs.

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