CMC approval process

CMC approval process

The outcomes of the CIPM MRA are the internationally recognized (peer-reviewed and approved) Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) of the participating institutes. Approved CMCs are publicly available in the CIPM MRA database (KCDB).

The three fundamental elements leading to approval of an institute's CMCs are:

  1. participation by the institute in reviewed and approved scientific comparisons;

  2. operation by the institute of an appropriate and approved quality management system;

  3. international peer-review (regional and inter-regional) of claimed calibration and measurement capabilities.

Please consult the one-page CMC Checklist for preparedness before submitting your CMC claim for review.

For full details please refer to the CIPM MRA documents.


Operation of the CIPM MRA

The JCRB – a Joint Committee of the RMOs and the BIPM – is responsible for the coordination of data provided by the RMOs, and other actions undertaken by them to promote confidence in calibration and measurement certificates. The JCRB operates under the auspices of the CIPM and comprises representatives of the RMOs. The BIPM Director chairs the JCRB, supported by the JCRB Executive Secretary, and the BIPM maintains the CIPM MRA database (KCDB).

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contact JCRB Exec Sec

In case of query please contact the JCRB Executive Secretary.