
Resolution 3 of the 25th CGPM (2014)

On the Pension and Provident Fund of the BIPM

The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,



  • that the CGPM at its 3rd meeting (1901) established a fund for pensions for the benefit of BIPM staff members,
  • article 15 paragraph 2 of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention, which states, inter alia, that "[a]n annual levy in favour of the Pension Fund may be made from the total fees received by the Bureau",
  • that the CGPM at its 24th meeting (2011) has adopted Resolution 10 on the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the BIPM which invited the CIPM to establish an ad hoc Working Group to conduct a Review of inter alia the long-term financial stability of the BIPM,


  • that the CIPM established a Standing Sub-Committee on the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund and Health Insurance in 2012,
  • the importance of a sustainable pension fund as a mechanism for the BIPM to attract, retain and motivate competent staff,
  • the need for the CIPM together with the BIPM to manage the BIPM's budget and finances to meet its financial obligations towards the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund within the dotation agreed by the Member States,
  • that the CIPM has brought increased transparency to the accounts and financial statements of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund through the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),


  • the measures already taken by the CIPM towards ensuring the long-term financial stability of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund, especially the amendments that were adopted by the CIPM in 2009 and that entered into force from 1 January 2010, including raising the retirement age and increasing the BIPM staff contribution,
  • the work carried out to review and analyse the current assets and liabilities of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund since the 24th meeting of the CGPM (2011) by the CIPM Sub-Committee on the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund and Health Insurance,


  • the decision made at its 10th meeting (1954) to charge the CIPM with the administration of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund,

invites the CIPM to

  • implement its plans to provide sustainability for the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund whilst continuing to examine the longer term liability issue,
  • inform Member States about the outcome of actuarial studies on the assets and liabilities of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund in its regular financial publications and at the next meeting of the General Conference.

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM2014RES3E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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