Accurate Results for Patient Care Workshop 2019 - A JCTLM Members’ and Stakeholders’ meeting
2 to 3 December 2019
Contact person
Working documents
2019 Workshop Programme
Towards a global forum for managing traceability in laboratory medicine
Christa Cobbaert
Definition of performance specifications for metrological traceability implementation
Mauro Panteghini
Overview of reference measurement system approach for blood cell counting
Andreas Kummrow
SoGAT - Progress in the development of reference standards for NAT detection and measurement of infectious disease
Neil Almond
The development of measurement procedure for quantification of human cytomegalovirus
Mojca Milavec
The commutability assessment of EQA materials and certified reference materials for HbA1c
Tianjiao Zhang
A pragmatic approach to the calibration and harmonization of type II analytes
Rachel Marrington
ReMIND Role of metals and metal containing biomolecules in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer`s disease
Claudia Swart
SEPTIMET: metrology developments to improve identification and treatment of sepsis - Focus on Procalcitonin activities
Amandine Boeuf
Building and maintaining reference measurement systems for kidney disease markers
Karen Phinney
Isotope dilution mass spectrometric method for the measurement of albumin in urine and its application in accuracy-based EQA Programmes in Singapore
Qinde Liu
Implementation of the reference system for hemoglobin A2: what impact on thalassemia screening and diagnosis
Andrea Mosca
List of posters presentations
Performance of serum total bile acid methods in comparison to ID-GCMS measurement target values
David Ducroq
Development of SI-traceable certified reference materials for clinical applications by Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Ji-Seon Jeong
Evaluation of a bracketing calibration-based isotope dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry candidate reference measurement procedure for 17α-hydroxyprogesterone in human plasma
Qiaoxuan Zhang
Candidate reference measurement procedure for determination of urea in serum by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Xianzhang Huang
Using serial patient data to prospectively and continuously assess analyzer imprecision: dealing with the disappearance of reference sample quality control
George Cembrowski
Providing the measurement infrastructure to allow quantitative diagnostic methods for biomarkers of coronary heart diseases
Claudia Swart
BACTO-MET - a Metrological Project to Support Nosocomial Respiratory Tract Infections Monitoring
Mojca Milavec
Siemens Healthineers Enzymatic Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator* Commutability and Uncertainty
Geoffrey Wilkins
The relationship between Metrological Traceability and Comparability of Results for 12 analytes in 5 measurement systems
Aída Porras-Caicedo
UME CRM 1314: Amino Acids in Lyophilized Plasma; A New Certified Reference Material for Newborn Screening
Müslüm Akgöz
UME CRM 1315: Organic Acids in Lyophilized Urine; A New Certified Reference Material for Newborn Screening
Müslüm Akgöz
Recent progress in the production of health-related certified reference materials by the Joint Research Centre
Liesbet Deprez
Developing the Korean human genomic DNA reference material for genomic sequencing
Ji-Youn Lee