Membres d'un groupe de travail

CCQM Task Group on Stakeholder Engagement (CCQM-TG-STAKEHOLDER)


M. Richard J.C. Brown

Chef de la métrologie

National Physical Laboratory



Date Established: April 2021

Status: Tasks Completed - Closed


Terms of Reference

The goals of this CCQM Task Group are to:

  • develop a strategy document describing strategic and operational aspects for external stakeholder engagement for review by the SPWG and submission to the CCQM;
  • use the strategy to document a mid- to long-term plan for CCQM’s stakeholder engagement, for review by the SPWG and submission to the CCQM.

In developing the documents, the Task Group will:

  • review CIPM-D-01 for rules related to stakeholder engagement and in particular clause 4.6 related to liaison organizations and organizations in cooperation;
  • develop additional CCQM guidance on privileges and obligations of liaison organizations and organizations in cooperation to ensure delivery of the CCQM Mission;
  • review the CCQM 2021-2030 Strategy document and in particular clause 5.2 on the different mechanisms available to CCQM for stakeholder engagement and propose additional guidelines to clarify their application, and identify any processes that CCQM would need to adopt, including processes for Members to express and agree views, in order to establish liaisons with external stakeholders;
  • review individual CCQM WG strategies (2021-2030) for organizations that have been identified as important for stakeholder engagement, and confirm the preferred governance for interaction with these groups;
  • review CCQM’s current range of stakeholder engagement and the benefits of the different mechanisms used for this engagement;
  • review current CCQM liaison organizations and the extent to which they meet CIPM criteria, and any further actions that should be initiated with these organizations;
  • identify new organisations and stakeholders that the CCQM should engage with and the mechanisms for establishing interaction and when required applications for liaison status;
  • develop additional guidance for the establishment of CCQM and CCQM WG Task Groups and their inclusion and interaction with external stakeholders;
  • assess the need for future cross-CC and sector specific activities based on the direction of the CIPM and CCQM strategies;
  • recommend any modifications or clarifications in CIPM-D-01 on stakeholder engagement that would be beneficial for the CCQM in fulfilling its mission.

Following the publication and approval of the TG’s final report, the 27th CCQM meeting agreed that the Terms of Reference of the Task Group should be extended to allow the task group to consider implementation of some of the recommendations of the report, namely to:

  • list all current and planned CCQM TGs that include stakeholder engagement;
  • develop proposals for focusing on different sectors during each CCQM plenary session as a plan for engagement;
  • develop criteria for extending liaison status at CCQM.

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