nanoscale INTRO

BIPM Workshop on Metrology at the Nanoscale

18-19 February 2010

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Dr Alan Steele


Scientific Secretary

Dr Joële Viallon


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Report of the Workshop



Nanotechnologies are developing rapidly, and associated documentary standards and regulations are being put in place at the national and international levels. There is increasing pressure on metrologists to develop reliable and accurate measurement techniques and methods to underpin these. To meet this expectation, international coordination among National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) is required, with new approaches to overcome the complexity of this area caused by its highly multidisciplinary nature. The BIPM therefore organized a Workshop on Metrology at the Nanoscale, which took place at the BIPM headquarters on 18-19 February 2010.



This event was aimed at bringing together representatives from the NMIs with other stakeholders, such as nanomaterial manufacturers, regulatory authorities and standardization bodies involved in nanotechnologies, to answer the following question:

What activities are required to establish an effective international infrastructure for metrology at the nanoscale?

Participation at the event was restricted to experts nominated by the Intergovernmental Organizations, International Organizations, and National Metrology Institutes.


Applications est temporairement indisponible.

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