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Membres d'un groupe de travail

CCT Working Group for Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CCT-WG-CMC)


M. Jovan Bojkovski

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

MIRS/University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Laboratory of Metrology and Quality



M. Stéphane Solve

Bureau international des poids et mesures


Liste des réunions

Réunions et documents associés

Réunion Passée

  • 03
  • avril
  • 2023


Termes de référence

  • to establish and maintain lists of service categories and, where necessary, rules for the preparation of CMC entries;
  • to agree on detailed technical review criteria;
  • to coordinate and, where possible, conduct inter-regional reviews of CMCs submitted by RMOs for posting in Appendix C of the CIPM MRA;
  • to provide guidance on the range of CMCs supported by particular key comparisons;
  • to examine the sufficiency of existing comparisons for supporting CMC submissions and to recommend new comparisons where deemed necessary; and
  • to coordinate the review of existing CMCs in the context of new results of key and supplementary comparisons.

WG-CMC is tasked to draft and update CMC review protocols, to review fast-track submissions for inclusion in the KCDB Appendix C, and to identify new comparisons needed to support CMC submissions.