2021 - BIPM-ILAC joint webinar: Mining KCDB 2.0 in the context of accreditation
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Bureau international des poids et mesures
The main aim of the webinar was to demonstrate how to get the most out of the revised CIPM MRA database (KCDB), and to provide some context about how the data is quality assured.
The BIPM and ILAC welcomed more than 600 experts from Accreditation Bodies and Accredited Laboratories around the world who participated in the webinar on "Mining KCDB 2.0 in the context of accreditation". The joint BIPM-ILAC webinar was held on 21 January 2021. The main aim of the webinar was to demonstrate how to get the most out of the revised CIPM MRA database (KCDB), and to provide some context about how the data is quality assured.
The KCDB 2.0 integrates a comprehensive two-tier peer review system for CMCs and comparison registration tools. It incorporates a responsive and intuitive search facilities that ensure easy access to the data declared by National Metrology Institutes participating in the CIPM MRA.
The accreditation community is one of the most important users of the KCDB 2.0. The CMCs declared by NMIs form the top of the metrological traceability chain that supports, among others, the 81 000+ accredited calibration and testing laboratories.
- Assuring data quality in the CIPM MRA.
- Overview of jointly agreed documents:
- BIPM-OIML-ILAC-ISO Joint Declaration on Metrological Traceability
- ILAC P10:07/2020, ILAC Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results
- LAC-CIPM Joint Communication on accreditation of NMI calibration services
- Accessing data effectively - KCDB 2.0 search and export of data.
- Q&A session
Course material
Réunions et documents associés