advanced-time-frequency INTRO

BIPM Workshop on Development of Advanced Time and Frequency Transfer Techniques

28-29 June 2011


advanced-time-frequency SC


Dr Philip Tuckey


Executive Secretary

Dr Lennart Robertsson


advanced-time-frequency DETAILS

During the past decade very significant advances have been made in the field of optical frequency metrology, concerning both ultra-stable optical frequency standards as well as the means to compare frequencies locally using the optical comb technique. This has lead to the establishment by the CCTF of a list of secondary representations of the second and to serious consideration of a future redefinition of the second. These developments imply strong requirements on time and frequency transfer techniques, which are not satisfied by the methods currently in common use, and it is urgent to focus attention on this aspect. The objectives of this workshop were to survey the current situation of time and frequency transfer, to project future needs and to study the perspectives for satisfying them. The workshop included a more general session for the information of interested organizations and stakeholders. The workshop was organized by the CCTF Working Group on Coordination of the Development of Advanced Time and Frequency Transfer Techniques (WGATFT) and served as a basis for further work by the WG in support of preparations for future improvements of the SI second and of time scales.


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