L'ISO signe la déclaration commune d'intention sur la transformation numérique au sein de l'infrastructure internationale scientifique et de la qualité
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) signed the Joint Statement of Intent On the digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure on 12 April 2022. The joint statement had previously been signed by the BIPM, the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), the International Science Council (ISC) and its Committee on Data (CODATA) on 30 March 2022.
The joint statement provides a platform for the signatory organizations to come together to indicate their support, in a way appropriate to their particular organization, to the development, implementation, and promotion of the SI Digital Framework as part of a wider digital transformation of the international scientific and quality infrastructure. The addition of ISO further strengthens the collaboration and global reach of the initiative. Sergio Mujica, ISO Secretary-General, commented that “Organizations in the International Quality Infrastructure must continue to transform to further embrace digitalization. ISO is fully committed to achieve further digitalization of standardization and we are working hard to implement our joint programme with the IEC on Standards Machine Applicable, Readable and Transferrable (SMART). The design and implementation of the SI framework will accelerate the positive changes in the ecosystem. Measurement is also an important topic for ISO, for example, when it comes to testing and conformity assessment. ISO will continue bringing its contribution, supported by the work performed by BIPM, to build the needed digital standards infrastructure of the future.”
The joint statement is part of an ongoing initiative by the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) and its Task Group on the Digital SI (CIPM-TG-DSI) to develop and establish a world-wide uniform and secure data exchange format based on the International System of Units (SI).

Signing of the Joint Statement of Intent by Sergio Mujica, ISO Secretary-General.