dynamic-measurement INTRO

BIPM Workshop on Challenges in Metrology for Dynamic Measurement

15-16 November 2012 (at the BIPM)


dynamic-measurement SC

Scientific Steering Committee

T. Usuda (Chair)


F. Arrhén

SP (Sweden)

T. Bruns

PTB (Germany)

T. Esward

NPL (United Kingdom)

J. Filtz

LNE (France)

N. Fletcher (Scientific Secretary)


J. Wright


Dr J. Morrow

NIST (United States)

dynamic-measurement DETAILS

Report of the workshop



Traceability from NMI level to calibration laboratory is usually established under static conditions. Currently there are only a few facilities available in some NMIs where research in the field of dynamic measurement is performed. In particular, at present, a verification of dynamic measurement capabilities via key comparisons is a long way off, due to a lack of validated methods and accepted procedures.



The aim of this workshop was to bring together experts from the NMIs and industrial users who have needs of traceable, reliable and comparable dynamic measurements, as well as those responsible for writing and applying specification standards and/or environment, energy saving and safety legislation.

The expected outcomes of the process initiated by the Workshop are:

  • a collaboration aimed at characterizing the challenges in the field of dynamic measurements traceable to the SI;
  • harmonization of terms and methods so that measurements made by various methodologies can be related to each other, thereby enabling comparability of research work and a consistent approach to the estimation of measurement results and their uncertainties; and
  • best practice guides and/or documents which could be adopted as the basis for the measurement aspects of international standardization, regulation and/or legislation.


Participation at the workshop was by invitation only. NMI Directors were invited to nominate participants. Space was limited to one participant per NMI or in exceptional cases two participants.


Applications est temporairement indisponible.

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