CCPR-K3.b, APMP.PR-K3.b, CCPR-K3.b.2, CCPR-K3.b.1
and EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1

MEASURAND : Luminous responsivity of photometers

The key comparison reference value is obtained as the weighted mean of the participants' results (KRISS excluded) with application of a cutoff of 0.2%

Degrees of equivalence, Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2), expressed in %

Red diamonds: CCPR-K3.b participants,
Green triangle: amended MSL value,
Blue circles: APMP.PR-K3.b participants only,
Pink square: CCPR-K3.b.2 participant,
Black (empty) square: CCPR-K3.b.1 participant,
Brown cross: EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1 participant.

*uncertainty cutoff (0.2%) applied to those laboratory measurements in the calculation of the key comparison refrence value, xR
**laboratory excluded from the calculation of xR

CCPR-K3.b, APMP.PR-K3.b, CCPR-K3.b.2, CCPR-K3.b.1
and EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1

MEASURAND : Luminous responsivity of photometers

Lab iDiUi
 / %/ %
SPRING Singapore-0.31.2
SPRING Singapore0.170.30

Note: The "Lab j" list is given in the same order as the "Lab i" list.

* cutoff uncertainty (0.2%) applied to those laboratory measurements in the calculation of the key comparison reference value
( ) laboratory excluded from the calculation of the key comparison reference value 
** MSL values after re-establishment of its primary reference

In blue: laboratories participant in APMP.PR-K3.b
In pink laboratory participant in CCPR-K3.b.2
In black: laboratory participant in CCPR-K3.b.1
In brown: laboratory participant in EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (.PDF file).

Unless otherwise stated, in the final numbers presented here, rounding has been applied according to ISO-31-0 Annex B Rule B.

Comparison close
Metrology area, Sub-field Photometry and Radiometry, Photometry
Description Luminous responsivity (Bilateral comparison)
Time of measurements 2004
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons
Measurand Luminous responsivity
Transfer device Two photometers
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCPR (Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry)
Conducted by CCPR (Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry)

This comparison is a follow-up of comparison CCPR-K3.b.

APMP.PR-K3.b, CCPR-K3.b.2, CCPR-K3.b.1, and EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1 results are linked to those of CCPR-K3.b.

First CCPR-K3.b results were published on 5 July 2001, then revised results were published on 12 January 2004.
APMP.PR-K3.b results were published on 09 April 2004.
CCPR-K3.b.2 results were published on 15 October 2004.
CCPR-K3.b.1 results were published on 01 March 2005.
EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1 results were published on 26 September 2005.

Luminous responsivity of photometers

Pilot institute HUT
Helsinki University of Technology
Contact person E. Ikonen

+358 (0) 9 451 2283
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, EURAMET


Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea, Republic of, APMP

CCPR-K3.b, APMP.PR-K3.b, CCPR-K3.b.2, CCPR-K3.b.1
and EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1

MEASURAND : Luminous responsivity of photometers

The individual measurements, xi, of the participating laboratories correspond to the results of a virtual calibration of the luminous responsivity of the same photometer.

  • Key comparison CCPR-K3.b

The key comparison reference value, xR, is calculated as the weighted mean of the participants' results, weighted by the inverse square of the individual standard uncertainties, ui, with the application of a minimum uncertainty cutoff of 0.2%.
The KRISS is excluded from the calculation of xR.
The standard uncertainty of xR is uR = 0.06%.

The degree of equivalence of each laboratory with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xR) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in relative units. Ui = 2(ui2 + uR2 - ucorr2 + utransfer2)1/2, where ucorr is the correlation between ui and uR. utransfer = 0.09%.
The degree of equivalence between two laboratories is given by a pair of terms:
Dij = Di - Dj = (xi - xj) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in relative units. Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + 2utransfer2)1/2.
  • MSL primary reference

Subsequent to the key comparison CCPR-K3.b and prior to the key comparison APMP.PR-K3.b, MSL re-established its primary reference, finding a relative change in value of +0.96% with a standard uncertainty of 0.04%.

  • Linking APMP.PR-K3.b to CCPR-K3.b

Three laboratories (NMIA, MSL, and KRISS) participated in both comparisons. KRISS identified a problem with its reference photometer in the CCPR-K3.b key comparison, and the values obtained were not reliable. The two linking laboratories are thus: NMIA and MSL.

The computation of the linkage is described on pages 6 and 7 of the APMP.PR-K3.b Final Report. The calculation of the degrees of equivalence relative to the CCPR-K3.b key comparison reference value, Di and Ui, and between pairs of laboratories, Dij and Uij, is available from the Appendix B of the same Final Report.


- For the two linking laboratories (NMIA and MSL), no new results are generated by the key comparison APMP.PR-K3.b.

- A new result is produced by the key comparison APMP.PR-K3.b for KRISS.

- The degrees of equivalence between two participants in APMP.PR-K3.b only, or between one participant in APMP.PR-K3.b only and one of the linking laboratories (NMIA or MSL) are calculated directly from the results of APMP.PR-K3.b:
Dij is calculated as the difference of the deviations from the pilot laboratory, and
Uij is calculated as twice the square root of the quadratic sum of the standard uncertainties of the deviations from the pilot laboratory.

- The degrees of equivalence between one participant in APMP.PR-K3.b only and one participant in CCPR-K3.b (except NMIA and MSL) are calculated as:
Dij = Di - Dj and Uij = (Ui2 + Uj2)1/2.
The correlation brought by the key comparison reference value is negligible.

  • Linking CCPR-K3.b.2 to CCPR-K3.b

The link to the key comparison CCPR-K3.b is given by the pilot laboratory HUT that participated in both comparisons. No new results are produced by the key comparison CCPR-K3.b.2 for HUT.

The degree of equivalence of KRISS relative to the CCPR-K3.b key comparison reference value is given by:
DKRISS = -0.0053 and UKRISS = 0.0060, see Appendix 2 of the CCPR-K3.b.2 Final Report.

The degrees of equivalence between KRISS participant in CCPR-K3.b.2 and one laboratory participant in CCPR-K3.b are calculated, see Appendix 2 of the CCPR-K3.b.2 Final Report.

The degrees of equivalence between KRISS participant in CCPR-K3.b.2 and a laboratory participant in APMP.PR-K3.b only are not calculated.

  • Linking CCPR-K3.b.1 to CCPR-K3.b

The link to the key comparison CCPR-K3.b is given by the pilot laboratory NMIA that participated in both comparisons. No new results are produced by the key comparison CCPR-K3.b.1 for NMIA.

The degree of equivalence of SPRING Singapore relative to the CCPR-K3.b key comparison reference value is given by:
DSPRING Singapore = 0.0017 and USPRING Singapore = 0.0030, see Section 9 of the CCPR-K3.b.1 Final Report.

The pair-wise degrees of equivalence involving SPRING Singapore participant in CCPR-K3.b.1 are not calculated.

  • Linking EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1 to CCPR-K3.b

The link to the key comparison CCPR-K3.b is given by the pilot laboratory IFA that participated in both comparisons. No new results are produced by the key comparison EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1 for IFA.

The degree of equivalence of UME relative to the CCPR-K3.b key comparison reference value is given by:
DUME = 0.0041 and UUME = 0.0063, see Appendix 2 of the EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1 Final Report.

The degrees of equivalence between UME and the laboratories participant in CCPR-K3.b are given in Appendix 2 of the same Final Report, and reported in the Matrix of equivalence.

CCPR-K3.b, APMP.PR-K3.b, CCPR-K3.b.2, CCPR-K3.b.1
and EUROMET.PR-K3.b.1

No Laboratory Individual Measurements are available for these comparisons.
Please see Equivalence statements.