MEASURAND : Distance between the centre line position of the reference line and the centre line position of the measured line of the linescale

NOMINAL VALUES : 30 nominal values from 0.1 mm to 100 mm

TRANSFER STANDARDS : two linescales designated as "Scale A" and "Scale B"

Graphs of equivalence showing the degrees of equivalence relative to the respective key comparison reference values: Di and associated expanded uncertainty (k = 2) Ui, for the 30 nominal values

Click on the stamp to see the corresponding graph of equivalence

MEASURAND : Distance between the centre line position of the reference line and the centre line position of the measured line of the linescale

NOMINAL VALUES : 30 nominal values from 0.1 mm to 100 mm

TRANSFER STANDARDS : two linescales designated as "Scale A" and "Scale B"

Tables giving the degrees of equivalence relative to the respective key comparison reference values, Di and associated expanded uncertainty (k = 2) Ui, for the 30 nominal values :

Yellow background : laboratory having measured Scale A (Group 1)
Pink background: laboratory having measured Scale B (Group 2)

NPL and METAS are the linking laboratories between the two groups. The values retained for NPL and METAS are those taken at the end and at the beginning, respectively, of the circulation inside one group. Other measurements at NPL and METAS were used to assess the stability of the standards.

Results are presented under A4 printable format in Summary Results (PDF file).

Comparison close
RMO comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Length, Dimensional Metrology
Description Linescales
Time of measurements 2006 - 2008
Status Approved for equivalence
Final Reports of the comparisons

EUROMET.L-K7.2006 Technical Protocol

Measurand Distances between zero reference line and 30 marked lines,
0.1 mm to 100 mm nominal length

Transfer device Two 100 mm quartz linescale
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCL (Consultative Committee for Length )
Conducted by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes)
RMO Internal Identifier EUROMET Project No 882

Results published on 13 March 2012


Pilot institute MIRS/UM-FS/LTM
MIRS/University of Maribor, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering/Laboratory for Production Management
Contact person Bojan Acko

First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

MIRS/University of Maribor, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering/Laboratory for Production Management, Slovenia, EURAMET


Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen, Austria, EURAMET


Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Bulgaria, EURAMET


Centro Español de Metrologia, Spain, EURAMET


Centro Nacional de Metrologia, Mexico, SIM


Czech Metrology Institute, Czechia, EURAMET


Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Serbia, EURAMET


Hellenic Institute of Metrology, Greece, EURAMET


Glowny Urzad Miar, Central Office of Measures, Poland, EURAMET


now: FSB - LPMD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and naval architecture, Laboratory for precise measurement of length, Croatia, EURAMET


National Institute of Metrology, Romania, EURAMET


Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia, Brazil, SIM


Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy, EURAMET


LNMC Metrology Bureau (LATMB), Latvia, EURAMET


Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland, EURAMET


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Centre for Metrology/Mittatekniikan keskus, Finland, EURAMET


Hungarian Trade Licensing Office; now BFKH, Hungary, EURAMET


National Institute of Metrology, China, APMP


National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), Thailand, APMP


National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States, SIM


National Metrology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, APMP


National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET


CSIR National Physical Laboratory of India, India, APMP


National Research Council, Canada, SIM


NSAI National Metrology Laboratory, Ireland, EURAMET


National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology", Ukraine, EURAMET


Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany, EURAMET


Slovensky Metrologicky Ustav, Slovakia, EURAMET


D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Rosstandart, Russian Federation, COOMET


VSL, Netherlands, EURAMET

MEASURAND : Distance between the centre line position of the reference line and the centre line position of the measured line of the linescale

NOMINAL VALUES : 30 nominal values from 0.1 mm to 100 mm

TRANSFER STANDARDS : two linescales designated as "Scale A" and "Scale B"

For each nominal value and for each linescale, the reference value, xR, and its combined standard uncertainty, uR, are obtained from the weighted mean of the participant results with outliers excluded, as explained in Chapter 7 of the Final Report (The list of laboratories excluded from the calculation of the reference values is given in Table 11 on page 34 of the same Final Report).
The linkage between the two groups is explained in Section 8.4 of the Final Report.

For each nominal value, the degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = xi - xR and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2).

Pair-wise degrees of equivalence are not computed for this key comparison.

MEASURAND : Distance between the centre line position of the reference line and the centre line position of the measured line of the linescale

NOMINAL VALUES : 30 nominal values from 0.1 mm to 100 mm

TRANSFER STANDARDS : two linescales designated as "Scale A" and "Scale B"

Individual laboratory measurements are given here.

Yellow background : laboratory having measured Scale A (Group 1)
Pink background: laboratory having measured Scale B (Group 2)

NPL and METAS are the linking laboratories between the two groups. The values retained for NPL and METAS are those taken at the end and at the beginning, respectively, of the circulation inside one group. Other measurements at NPL and METAS were used to assess the stability of the standards.