MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      80 nmol/mol


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in nmol/mol.

80 nmol/mol
Participating institutes

Two results are given for NIST, ISCIII, VNIIM and KRISS as expected from BIPM.QM-K1 Protocol B

For each laboratory, only the most recent value is retained.



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      420 nmol/mol


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in nmol/mol.

420 nmol/mol
Participating institutes

Two results are given for NIST, ISCIII, VNIIM and KRISS as expected from BIPM.QM-K1 Protocol B

For each laboratory, only the most recent value is retained.



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      80 nmol/mol


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in nmol/mol.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
VNIIM (1) (Jun-14) 0.08 0.85
VNIIM (2) (Jun-14) 0.04 0.85
NMISA (Jun-17) -0.02 1.17
INECC (Sep-17) -0.13 1.09
NPLI (Dec-17) 0.12 1.03
NILU (Jan-18) 0.05 1.06
NMC, A*STAR (Jul-18) 0.18 1.19
JRC (Jul-19) -0.20 1.14
EAA (Sep-19) 0.24 1.35
METAS (Jul-20) -0.19 1.00
CHMI (Sep-21) -0.14 1.01
INRIM (Feb-22) -0.19 1.17
NPL (Jun-22) -0.15 1.20
DMDM (Sep-22) 0.04 1.01
NIST (1) (Jul-22) 0.21 1.18
NIST (2) (Jul-22) 0.18 1.18
DHMZ-SOUL (Jul-22) 0.26 1.19
NIMT (Sep-22) 0.21 1.17
LNE (Mar-23) -0.08 1.06
FMI (Mar-23) 0.21 1.06
ISCIII (1) (May-23) 0.53 1.72
ISCIII (2) (May-23) 0.15 1.71
EMPA (Jun-23) -0.01 1.08
UBA (Jul-23) 0.03 1.13
NIM (Oct-23) -0.22 1.19
CMS (Mar-24) -0.03 1.21
VSL (Apr-24) -0.20 1.10
KRISS (1) (Sep-24) 0.01 1.11
KRISS (2) (Sep-24) -0.47 1.11
Participating institutes

Two results are given for NIST, ISCIII, VNIIM and KRISS as expected from BIPM.QM-K1 Protocol B

For each laboratory, only the most recent value is retained.



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      420 nmol/mol


Degrees of equivalence represented by Di = (xI - xR)/xR and its expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) at a 95 % level of confidence, both expressed in nmol/mol.

LABi Di Uneg,i Upos,i
VNIIM (1) (Jun-14) 0.33 3.57
VNIIM (2) (Jun-14) 0.58 3.56
NMISA (Jun-17) 0.58 4.40
INECC (Sep-17) 0.40 3.85
NPLI (Dec-17) 0.04 3.53
NILU (Jan-18) -0.13 3.58
NMC, A*STAR (Jul-18) 0.82 4.47
KRISS (Apr-19) 0.34 3.47
JRC (Jul-19) -0.87 4.20
EAA (Sep-19) 0.69 3.77
METAS (Jul-20) 0.32 2.93
CHMI (Sep-21) 0.61 3.48
INRIM (Feb-22) -0.52 3.83
NPL (Jun-22) 0.49 3.63
DMDM (Sep-22) 0.47 3.54
NIST (1) (Jul-22) 0.77 4.46
NIST (2) (Jul-22) 0.97 4.46
DHMZ-SOUL (Jul-22) 2.07 4.47
NIMT (Sep-22) 0.33 4.47
LNE (Mar-23) 0.48 3.68
FMI (Mar-23) 0.27 3.70
ISCIII (1) (May-23) 1.88 4.05
ISCIII (2) (May-23) 0.45 4.08
EMPA (Jun-23) 0.67 3.62
UBA (Jul-23) -0.03 4.45
NIM (Oct-23) -0.95 4.45
CMS (Mar-24) 0.69 4.52
VSL (Apr-24) 0.15 3.34
KRISS (1) (Sep-24) -0.92 4.51
KRISS (2) (Sep-24) -0.43 4.48
Participating institutes

Two results are given for NIST, ISCIII, VNIIM and KRISS as expected from BIPM.QM-K1 Protocol B

For each laboratory, only the most recent value is retained.

Comparison close
BIPM comparison
Linked comparison
Metrology area, Sub-field Chemistry and Biology, Gases
Description Ozone at ambient level
Time of measurements 2007 -
Status Continuous, approved for equivalence

Protocol for the comparison BIPM.QM-K1

Measurand Amount fraction of ozone in dry air
80 nmol/mol and 420 nmol/mol
Transfer device Measurements made at the BIPM by comparison with the BIPM Reference Photometer SRP27
Comparison type Key Comparison
Consultative Committee CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance)
Conducted by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures)
Comments First results published on 09 April 2008
The Final Report for each bi-lateral comparsion is listed in the tab "Participants"
Most recent update: 07 February 2025
Pilot institute BIPM
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
BIPM - International Organization
Contact person J. Viallon

+33 (0) 1 47 07 62 70
First Name Last Name
wwww@ww.www +356719836 Institute 1 Institute 1 Khmelnitskiy
Pilot laboratory

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, BIPM - International Organization, N/A


Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czechia, EURAMET


ITRI Center for Measurement Standards, Chinese Taipei, APMP


Meteorological and Hydrological Service/Calibration Laboratory, Croatia, EURAMET


Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Serbia, EURAMET


Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Environmental Agency of Austria, Austria, EURAMET


Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, WMO - International Organization, SIM


Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático, Mexico, SIM


Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy, EURAMET


Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, EURAMET


Joint Research Centre, European Union, EURAMET


Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea, Republic of, APMP


Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais, France, EURAMET


Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland, EURAMET


Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, EURAMET


Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway, EURAMET


National Institute of Metrology, China, APMP


National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), Thailand, APMP


National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States, SIM


National Metrology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, APMP


National Metrology Institute of South Africa, South Africa, AFRIMETS


National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET


CSIR National Physical Laboratory of India, India, APMP

SE "Ukrmetrteststandard"

State Enterprise "Ukrmetrteststandard", Ukraine, EURAMET


Umweltbundesamt, Federal Environment Agency, Germany, EURAMET


D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Rosstandart, Russian Federation, COOMET


VSL, Netherlands, EURAMET



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      80 nmol/mol


The key comparison reference value is the measurement result obtained with the BIPM Photometer SRP27.


The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xSRP27 is given by a pair of terms:
Di = xi - xSRP27 and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui = 2(ui2 + uSRP272)1/2, both expressed in nmol/mol.



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      420 nmol/mol


The key comparison reference value is the measurement result obtained with the BIPM Photometer SRP27.


The degree of equivalence of laboratory i with respect to the key comparison reference value xSRP27 is given by a pair of terms:
Di = xi - xSRP27 and its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), Ui = 2(ui2 + uSRP272)1/2, both expressed in nmol/mol.



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      80 nmol/mol


xi                 measurement result obtained with laboratory i Photometer
ui             combined standard uncertainty of x
xSRP27     measurement result obtained with the BIPM Photometer SRP27
uSRP27    combined standard uncertainty of xSRP27

  Labi xi ui xSRP27 uSRP27 date of 
    nmol/mol nmol/mol nmol/mol nmol/mol measurement
  VNIIM (1) 78.63 0.31 78.55 0.29 Jun-14
  VNIIM (2) 78.22 0.31 78.17 0.29 Jun-14
  CMS 86.33 0.38 86.36 0.48 Jun-16
  VSL 78.25 0.40 78.16 0.36 Sep-16
  NMISA 78.09 0.36 78.11 0.46 Jun-17
  INECC 78.67 0.41 78.80 0.36 Sep-17
  NPLI 80.23 0.37 80.10 0.36 Dec-17
  NILU 80.20 0.38 80.15 0.36 Jan-18
  NMC, A*STAR 81.16 0.37 80.98 0.47 Jul-18
  JRC 79.51 0.44 79.71 0.36 Jun-19
  EAA 80.16 0.57 79.92 0.36 Sep-19
  METAS 76.44 0.35 76.63 0.36 Jul-20
  CHMI 76.16 0.36 76.30 0.36 Sep-21
  INRIM 85.19 0.45 85.38 0.37 Feb-22
  NPL 83.20 0.47 83.35 0.37 Jun-22
  DMDM 82.79 0.34 82.75 0.37 Sep-22
  NIST (1) 80.63 0.37 80.42 0.47 Jul-22
  NIST (2) 80.21 0.37 80.03 0.46 Jul-22
  DHMZ-SOUL 80.10 0.37 81.84 0.47 Jul-22
  NIMT 78.55 0.36 78.33 0.46 Sep-22
  LNE 84.02 0.38 84.1 0.37 Mar-23
  FMI 85.91 0.38 85.71 0.38 Mar-23
  ISCIII (1) 81.37 0.37 80.84 0.78 May-23
  ISCIII (2) 80.77 0.37 80.62 0.78 May-23
  EMPA 83.25 0.39 83.29 0.37 Jun-23
  UBA 72.17 0.35 72.15 0.44 Jul-23
  NIM 80.54 0.37 80.76 0.47 Oct-23
  CMS 84.38 0.37 84.42 0.48 Mar-24
  VSL 83.00 0.41 83.19 0.37 Apr-24
  KRISS (1) 81.00 0.34 80.99 0.44 Sep-24
  KRISS (2) 80.16 0.34 80.63 0.44 Sep-24


Two results are given for NIST, ISCIII, VNIIM and KRISS as expected from BIPM.QM-K1 Protocol B.

For each laboratory, only the most recent value is retained.



MEASURAND              Ozone mole fraction in dry air

NOMINAL VALUE      420 nmol/mol


xi                 measurement result obtained with laboratory i Photometer
ui             combined standard uncertainty of xi
xSRP27     measurement result obtained with the BIPM Photometer SRP27
uSRP27    combined standard uncertainty of xSRP27

  Labi xi ui xSRP27 uSRP27 date of 
    nmol/mol nmol/mol nmol/mol nmol/mol measurement
  VNIIM (1) 420.33 1.25 420.00 1.28 Jun-14
  VNIIM (2) 419.04 1.25 418.46 1.27 Jun-14
  CMS 419.59 1.26 419.40 1.83 Jun-16
  VSL 408.63 1.07 408.55 1.23 Sep-16
  NMISA 415.95 1.25 415.37 1.81 Jun-17
  INECC 415.55 1.47 415.14 1.24 Sep-17
  NPLI 415.92 1.25 415.88 1.25 Dec-17
  NILU 415.72 1.29 415.85 1.25 Jan-18
  NMC, A*STAR 422.46 1.27 421.64 1.84 Jul-18
  JRC 419.69 1.68 420.56 1.26 Jun-19
  EAA 421.93 1.40 421.24 1.26 Sep-19
  METAS 407.58 0.81 407.25 1.22 Jul-20
  CHMI 410.08 1.23 409.46 1.23 Sep-21
  INRIM 429.54 1.42 430.06 1.29 Feb-22
  NPL 420.27 1.31 419.78 1.26 Jun-22
  DMDM 418.76 1.25 418.28 1.25 Sep-22
  NIST (1) 422.46 1.26 421.69 1.84 Jul-22
  NIST (2) 421.85 1.26 420.88 1.83 Jul-22
  DHMZ-SOUL 424.80 1.27 422.73 1.84 Jul-22
  NIMT 422.38 1.26 422.05 1.84 Sep-22
  LNE 429.00 1.32 428.52 1.28 Mar-23
  FMI 436.84 1.31 436.58 1.31 Mar-23
  ISCIII (1) 421.30 1.26 419.42 1.59 May-23
  ISCIII (2) 423.13 1.27 422.68 1.60 May-23
  EMPA 426.45 1.29 425.78 1.27 Jun-23
  UBA 420.80 1.26 420.83 1.83 Jul-23
  NIM 419.40 1.26 420.35 1.83 Oct-23
  CMS 427.66 1.28 426.97 1.86 Mar 24
  VSL 420.04 1.10 419.89 1.26 Apr-24
  KRISS (1) 427.91 1.27 428.83 1.86 Sep-24
  KRISS (2) 425.13 1.26 425.56 1.85 Sep-24


Two results are given for NIST, ISCIII, VNIIM and KRISS as expected from BIPM.QM-K1 Protocol B.

For each laboratory, only the most recent value is retained.