Metrology area, Sub-field | Mass and related quantities, Force |
Description | Force |
Time of measurements | 2019 |
Status | Approved |
Final Reports of the comparisons | |
Measurand | Force - 10 kN to 100 kN (10 kN steps) and 50 kN to 500 kN (50 kN steps) |
Parameters | Compressive force, incremental and decremental, at 20 °C |
Transfer device | 100 kN HBM Z4A transducer serial number 092530012, 500 kN HBM Z4A transducer serial number 122330005, and HBM DMP 40 serial number 122020096 |
Comparison type | Supplementary Comparison |
Consultative Committee | CCM (Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities) |
Conducted by | EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) |
RMO Internal Identifier | EURAMET 1472 |
Pilot institute |
National Physical Laboratory United Kingdom |
Contact person | A. Knott +44 (0) 20 8943 6180 |
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