CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 100 µmol/mol
Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in µmol/mol
Red diamonds: participants in CCQM-K1.c
Green triangles: participants in EUROMET.QM-K1.c
Blue circles: participants in APMP.QM-K1.c
CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 1000 µmol/mol
Degrees of equivalence Di and expanded uncertainty Ui (k = 2) expressed in µmol/mol
*At the time of the comparison, NMIJ (National Metrology Institute of Japan) was designated as NRLM (National Research Laboratory of Metrology).
CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 100 µmol/mol
Full set of degrees of equivalence, using laboratory acronyms as on January 2010:
In dark blue: participants in CCQM-K1.c
In green: participants in EUROMET.QM-K1.c
In blue: participants in APMP.QM-K1.c
Complete Matrix of Equivalence for CCQM-K1.c and EUROMET.QM-K1.c, using the acronyms of laboratories as they were at the time of those key comparisons:
Lab i | Di | Ui |
/ (µmol/mol) | / (µmol/mol) | |
NPL | -0.07 | 0.40 |
NIST | 0.11 | 0.53 |
NMi-VSL | 0.00 | 0.40 |
BNM-LNE | -0.03 | 0.08 |
KRISS | 0.77 | 0.70 |
NRLM | 0.24 | 0.50 |
NRCCRM | 5.64 | 1.06 |
VNIIM | 1.63 | 1.00 |
OMH | 0.52 | 1.01 |
BNM-LNE | 0.01 | 0.66 |
NPL | 0.11 | 0.32 |
VNIIM | 1.55 | 0.91 |
NMi-VSL | 0.07 | 0.32 |
GUM | 0.63 | 1.51 |
CEM | 0.57 | 0.91 |
METAS | 0.28 | 0.44 |
CHMI | -0.19 | 1.61 |
FMI | -0.36 | 1.51 |
IPQ | 0.10 | 0.41 |
In green: participants in EUROMET.QM-K1.c, also indicated by ** in the "Lab j" list.
Results are available in Summary results (.PDF file, A4 printable format).
CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 1000 µmol/mol
Lab i | Di | Ui |
/ (µmol/mol) | / (µmol/mol) | |
NPL | 2.23 | 3.01 |
NIST | -0.20 | 4.70 |
NMi | -0.60 | 3.00 |
BNM-LNE | 0.10 | 1.41 |
KRISS | -0.20 | 2.20 |
NRLM* | 2.10 | 5.01 |
NRCCRM | 46.20 | 10.47 |
VNIIM | 5.90 | 7.95 |
OMH | 3.80 | 4.02 |
*At the time of the comparison, NMIJ (National Metrology Institute of Japan) was designated as NRLM (National Research Laboratory of Metrology).
The full matrix of equivalence is available in Summary Results (.PDF file, results presented under a printable A4 format).
Metrology area, Sub-field | Chemistry and Biology, Gases |
Description | Exhaust emission gases: Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen |
Time of measurements | 2002 - 2003 |
Status | Approved for equivalence |
Final Reports of the comparisons | |
Measurand | Amount-of-substance fraction of NO in N2: 100 µmol/mol |
Transfer device | Calibrated gas cylinders |
Comparison type | Key Comparison |
Consultative Committee | CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance) |
Conducted by | EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) |
RMO Internal Identifier | EUROMET Project No 638 |
Comments | EUROMET.QM-K1.c and APMP.QM-K1.c results are linked to those of CCQM-K1.c for 100 µmol/mol EUROMET.QM-K1.c results published on 22 March 2005 Nitrogen monoxide (NO) in Nitrogen (N2) |
Pilot institute |
VSL Netherlands |
Contact person | Rob WESSEL +31 (0) 15 269 1677 |
Bureau National de Métrologie - Laboratoire National d'Essais, France, EURAMET |
Centro Español de Metrologia, Spain, EURAMET |
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czechia, EURAMET |
Glowny Urzad Miar, Central Office of Measures, Poland, EURAMET |
Instituto Portugues da Qualidade, Portugal, EURAMET |
Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland, EURAMET |
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, EURAMET |
Nederlands Meetinstituut - Van Swinden Laboratorium (became VSL in 2009), Netherlands, EURAMET |
National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, EURAMET |
D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Rosstandart, Russian Federation, COOMET |
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CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 100 µmol/mol
Key comparison reference value: there is no single reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i. |
The degree of equivalence of each laboratory with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in µmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigrav2)1/2. |
The degree of equivalence between two laboratories is given by a pair of terms: |
The gravimetric value xigrav-EUR is taken as the reference value for laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K1.c. |
The degree of equivalence of laboratory i participant in EUROMET.QM-K1.c with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di-EUR = (xi-EUR - xigrav-EUR) and Ui-EUR, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in µmol/mol, Ui-EUR = 2(ui-EUR2 + uigrav-EUR2)1/2. |
NMi-VSL acted as the pilot laboratory in both key comparisons, EUROMET.QM-K1.c and CCQM-K1.c. The results of the laboratories having participated in both comparisons (NMi-VSL, NPL, BNM-LNE, and VNIIM) are given in the following table, except those of VNIIM that deviated significantly from the key comparison reference value.
Since the results of the three laboratories agree with the reference values within the claimed uncertainties in both comparisons, they provide some validation that the gravimetric values act as valid reference values.
It follows that:
The degrees of equivalence relative to the reference value obtained in EUROMET.QM-K1.c are transferred to CCQM-K1.c without correction: Di = Di-EUR and Ui = Ui-EUR |
The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j participating in CCQM-K1.c or in EUROMET.QM-K1.c is given by a pair of terms: |
These statements make it possible to extend the CCQM-K1.c matrix of equivalence to all participants in EUROMET.QM-K1.c. |
In order to link the APMP.QM-K1.c results to those of CCQM-K1.c, a small uncertainty term is added to the uncertainty of the gravimetric value delivered by KRISS for the transfer standard. The gravimetric value used to calculate the degrees of equivalence is equal to 97.94 µmol/mol with standard uncertainty 0.40 µmol/mol.
No pair-wise degrees of equivalence are computed from the APMP.QM-K1.c results.
CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 1000 µmol/mol
Key comparison reference value: there is no single reference value for this comparison, the value xigrav is taken as the reference value for laboratory i. |
The degree of equivalence of each laboratory with respect to the reference value is given by a pair of terms: Di = (xi - xigrav) and Ui, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in µmol/mol, Ui = 2(ui2 + uigrav2)1/2. |
The degree of equivalence between two laboratories is given by a pair of terms: Dij = Di - Dj = (xi - xigrav) - (xj - xjgrav) and Uij, its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in µmol/mol, Uij = 2(ui2 + uj2 + uigrav2 + ujgrav2)1/2. |
CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 100 µmol/mol
xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the NO amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigrav : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav
Lab i | xi / (µmol/mol) |
ui / (µmol/mol) |
xigrav |
uigrav / (µmol/mol) |
Date of measure |
NPL | 100.00 | 0.20 | 100.070 | 0.007 | Feb 96 |
NIST | 100.20 | 0.27 | 100.090 | 0.007 | Jun 95 |
NMi-VSL* | 100.10 | 0.20 | 100.100 | 0.007 | Apr 95 |
BNM-LNE* | 100.08 | 0.04 | 100.110 | 0.007 | Jan 96 |
KRISS | 100.90 | 0.35 | 100.130 | 0.007 | Mar 95 |
NRLM* | 100.39 | 0.25 | 100.150 | 0.007 | Mar 95 |
NRCCRM* | 105.80 | 0.53 | 100.160 | 0.007 | Apr 95 |
VNIIM | 101.80 | 0.50 | 100.170 | 0.007 | Apr 95 |
OMH* |
100.70 |
0.50 |
100.180 |
0.007 |
Jun 95 |
*At the time of the comparison, VSL (Netherlands) was designated as NMi-VSL; LNE (France) as BNM-LNE; NMIJ (Japan) as NRLM; NIM (China) as NRCCRM; and MKEH (Hungary) as OMH.
xi-EUR : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xi-EUR
xigrav-EUR : gravimetric value of the NO amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigrav-EUR : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav-EUR
Lab i | xi-EUR / (µmol/mol) |
ui-EUR / (µmol/mol) |
xigrav-EUR |
uigrav-EUR / (µmol/mol) |
Date of measure |
BNM-LNE* | 95.08 | 0.33 | 95.070 | 0.062 | Aug 02 |
NPL | 95.2 | 0.15 | 95.094 | 0.062 | Jul 02 |
VNIIM | 96.6 | 0.45 | 95.055 | 0.062 | Nov 02 |
NMi-VSL* | 94.8 | 0.15 | 94.732 | 0.062 | Sep 02 |
GUM | 95.8 | 0.75 | 95.172 | 0.062 | Jan 03 |
CEM | 95.8 | 0.45 | 95.228 | 0.062 | Sep 02 |
METAS | 95.12 | 0.21 | 94.843 | 0.062 | Sep 02 |
CHMI | 94.87 | 0.80 | 95.064 | 0.062 | Sep 02 |
94.8 |
0.75 |
95.158 |
0.062 |
Sep 02 |
95.22 |
0.20 |
95.120 |
0.062 |
Jul 02 |
*At the time of the comparison, LNE (France) was designated as BNM-LNE, and VSL (Netherlands) as NMi-VSL.
xi-APMP : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui-APMP : combined standard uncertainty of xi-APMP
Lab i | xi-APMP / (µmol/mol) |
ui-APMP / (µmol/mol) |
Date of measure |
NIM | 99.07 | 0.50 | Jun 06 |
KRISS | 97.88 | 0.11 | Aug 06 |
Gravimetric value of the transfer cylinder prepared by KRISS: 97.94 µmol/mol, with a standard uncertainty of 0.1 µmol/mol.
CCQM-K1.b was placed in the KCDB archives on 18 September 2023
MEASURAND : Amount-of-substance fraction of Nitrogen monoxide in Nitrogen
NOMINAL VALUE : 1000 µmol/mol
xi : result of measurement carried out by laboratory i
ui : combined standard uncertainty of xi
xigrav : gravimetric value of the NO amount-of-substance fraction in the cylinder received by laboratory i
uigrav : combined standard uncertainty of xigrav
Lab i | xi / (µmol/mol) |
ui / (µmol/mol) |
xigrav |
uigrav / (µmol/mol) |
Date of measure |
NPL | 1002.0 | 1.5 | 999.77 | 0.06 | Jan 96 |
NIST | 999.8 | 2.3 | 1000.00 | 0.06 | Jun 95 |
NMi-VSL | 1000.0 | 1.5 | 1000.60 | 0.06 | Apr 95 |
BNM-LNE | 1000.2 | 0.7 | 1000.10 | 0.06 | Jan 96 |
KRISS | 1000.1 | 1.1 | 1000.30 | 0.06 | Mar 95 |
NRLM* | 1002.6 | 2.5 | 1000.50 | 0.06 | Mar 95 |
NRCCRM | 1047.0 | 5.2 | 1000.80 | 0.06 | Apr 95 |
VNIIM | 1006.8 | 4.0 | 1000.90 | 0.06 | Apr 95 |
1005.0 |
2.0 |
1001.20 |
0.06 |
Jun 95 |
*At the time of the comparison, NMIJ (National Metrology Institute of Japan) was designated as NRLM (National Research Laboratory of Metrology).