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34 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Estonia, AS METROSERT (Central Office of Metrology)
Mass , Mass : 1 kg to 5 kg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.1 mg to 1.5 mg
Comparison in air
Temperature : 18 °C to 23 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 24 October 2017
Institute service identifier : AS METROSERT/210340
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-EE-0000098K-1
DC resistance , DC resistance standards and sources: low values : 0.1 mΩ to 1000 mΩ
Fixed resistor
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1 µΩ/Ω to 1.0E2 µΩ/Ω
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µΩ/Ω)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"0.0001 Ω","col_2":"100"},"row_3":{"col_1":"0.001 Ω","col_2":"5"},"row_4":{"col_1":"0.01 Ω","col_2":"2"},"row_5":{"col_1":"0.1 Ω","col_2":"1"},"row_6":{"col_1":"1 Ω","col_2":"1"}}
DCC bridge, range extender
Oil temperature : 20 °C to 25 °C
Measurement current : 30 mA to 100 A
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 206120, 206100
Linear dimensions , Line standards : 1.00E-3 m to 2 m
Machinist scale, line spacing, L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 6.0E-2 mm to 9.0E-2 mm
0.06 mm + 15E-06 L
Tape bench and comparison to laser interferometer
Material : steel
Approved on 14 September 2018
Institute service identifier : 212250
AC voltage (up to the MHz range) , AC voltage up to 1000 V: sources : 0.1 V to 1000 V
Multifunction calibrator
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2.0E-2 mV/V to 0.79 mV/V
{"row_1": {"col_1":"<strong>Voltage<\/strong>", "col_2":"<strong>10 Hz<\/strong>", "col_3":"<strong>55 Hz<\/strong>", "col_4":"<strong>110 Hz<\/strong>", "col_5":"<strong>300 Hz<\/strong>", "col_6":"<strong>1 kHz<\/strong>", "col_7":"<strong>10 kHz<\/strong>", "col_8":"<strong>30 kHz<\/strong>", "col_9":"<strong>50 kHz<\/strong>", "col_10":"<strong>80 kHz<\/strong>", "col_11":"<strong>100 kHz<\/strong>", "col_12":"<strong>300 kHz<\/strong>", "col_13":"<strong>500 kHz<\/strong>", "col_14":"<strong>700 kHz<\/strong>", "col_15":"<strong>1 MHz<\/strong>"}, "row_2": {"col_1":"100 mV", "col_2":"0.06", "col_3":"0.03", "col_4":"0.03", "col_5":"0.03", "col_6":"0.03", "col_7":"0.03", "col_8":"0.04", "col_9":"0.03", "col_10":"0.03", "col_11":"0.03", "col_12":"0.11", "col_13":"0.21", "col_14":"0.39", "col_15":"0.79"}, "row_3": {"col_1":"1 V", "col_2":"0.04", "col_3":"0.02", "col_4":"0.02", "col_5":"0.02", "col_6":"0.02", "col_7":"0.02", "col_8":"0.02", "col_9":"0.02", "col_10":"0.02", "col_11":"0.02", "col_12":"0.16", "col_13":"0.26", "col_14":"0.42", "col_15":"0.42"}, "row_4": {"col_1":"10 V", "col_2":"0.04", "col_3":"0.02", "col_4":"0.02", "col_5":"0.02", "col_6":"0.02", "col_7":"0.02", "col_8":"0.02", "col_9":"0.02", "col_10":"0.02", "col_11":"0.02", "col_12":"0.17", "col_13":"0.26", "col_14":"0.42", "col_15":"0.42"}, "row_5": {"col_1":"100 V", "col_2":"0.04", "col_3":"0.02", "col_4":"0.02", "col_5":"0.02", "col_6":"0.02", "col_7":"0.02", "col_8":"0.02", "col_9":"0.02", "col_10":"0.03", "col_11":"0.04", "col_12":"-", "col_13":"-", "col_14":"-", "col_15":"-"}, "row_6": {"col_1":"200 V", "col_2":"0.04", "col_3":"0.03", "col_4":"0.03", "col_5":"0.03", "col_6":"0.03", "col_7":"0.04", "col_8":"0.05", "col_9":"-", "col_10":"-", "col_11":"-", "col_12":"-", "col_13":"-", "col_14":"-", "col_15":"-"}, "row_7": {"col_1":"1000 V", "col_2":"0.04", "col_3":"0.03", "col_4":"0.03", "col_5":"0.03", "col_6":"0.03", "col_7":"0.04", "col_8":"0.05", "col_9":"-", "col_10":"-", "col_11":"-", "col_12":"-", "col_13":"-", "col_14":"-", "col_15":"-"}}
The uncertainties in the table are expressed in mV/V.
AC/DC transfer standard
Frequency : 10 Hz to 1 MHz
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202050
AC current , AC current up to 100 A: meters : 0.01 A to 10 A
AC ammeter, multimeter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 3.4E1 µA/A to 1.2E2 µA/A
{"row_1": {"col_1":"<strong>Current<\/strong>", "col_2":"<strong>10 Hz<\/strong>", "col_3":"<strong>53 Hz<\/strong>", "col_4":"<strong>300 Hz<\/strong>", "col_5":"<strong>1 kHz<\/strong>", "col_6":"<strong>5 kHz<\/strong>", "col_7":"<strong>10 kHz<\/strong>"}, "row_2": {"col_1":"10 mA", "col_2":"39", "col_3":"34", "col_4":"34", "col_5":"34", "col_6":"46", "col_7":"46"}, "row_3": {"col_1":"100 mA", "col_2":"38", "col_3":"37", "col_4":"36", "col_5":"36", "col_6":"42", "col_7":"42"}, "row_4": {"col_1":"1 A", "col_2":"38", "col_3":"37", "col_4":"36", "col_5":"36", "col_6":"42", "col_7":"59"}, "row_5": {"col_1":"5 A", "col_2":"70", "col_3":"70", "col_4":"67", "col_5":"67", "col_6":"93", "col_7":"120"}, "row_6": {"col_1":"10 A", "col_2":"70", "col_3":"67", "col_4":"67", "col_5":"67", "col_6":"93", "col_7":"120"}}
The uncertainties in the table are expressed in µA/A.
Characterised AC current source
Frequency : 10 Hz to 10 kHz
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202050
AC current , AC current up to 100 A: sources : 0.01 A to 10 A
Multifunction calibrator
Relative expanded uncertainty : 3.4E1 µA/A to 1.2E2 µA/A
{"row_1": {"col_1":"<strong>Current<\/strong>", "col_2":"<strong>10 Hz<\/strong>", "col_3":"<strong>53 Hz<\/strong>", "col_4":"<strong>300 Hz<\/strong>", "col_5":"<strong>1 kHz<\/strong>", "col_6":"<strong>5 kHz<\/strong>", "col_7":"<strong>10 kHz<\/strong>"}, "row_2": {"col_1":"10 mA", "col_2":"39", "col_3":"34", "col_4":"34", "col_5":"34", "col_6":"46", "col_7":"46"}, "row_3": {"col_1":"100 mA", "col_2":"38", "col_3":"37", "col_4":"36", "col_5":"36", "col_6":"42", "col_7":"42"}, "row_4": {"col_1":"1 A", "col_2":"38", "col_3":"37", "col_4":"36", "col_5":"36", "col_6":"42", "col_7":"59"}, "row_5": {"col_1":"5 A", "col_2":"70", "col_3":"70", "col_4":"67", "col_5":"67", "col_6":"93", "col_7":"120"}, "row_6": {"col_1":"10 A", "col_2":"70", "col_3":"67", "col_4":"67", "col_5":"67", "col_6":"93", "col_7":"120"}}
The uncertainties in the table are expressed in µA/A.
AC/DC transfer standard
Frequency : 10 Hz to 10 kHz
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202050
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage sources: low values : 1.00E-3 V to 10 V
DC voltage source, multifunction calibrator
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.1 µV to 1.2E1 µV
{"row_1": {"col_1":"", "col_2":"Expanded uncertainty"}, "row_2": {"col_1":"1 mV to 100 mV", "col_2":"0.1 + 5<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_3": {"col_1":"100 mV to 1 V", "col_2":"0.5 + 1<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_4": {"col_1":"1 V to 10 V", "col_2":"2 + 1<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_5": {"col_1":"10 V to 100 V", "col_2":"3<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_6": {"col_1":"100 V to 1000 V", "col_2":"4<em>U<\/em>"}}
U is expressed in volt. The expanded uncertainty is given in µV.
Voltage ratio measurement
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202010, 202050
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage sources : 1 V to 10 V
Solid state voltage standard, standard cell
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1 µV/V
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µV/V)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"10 V","col_2":"1"},"row_3":{"col_1":"1.018 V","col_2":"1"},"row_4":{"col_1":"1 V","col_2":"1"}}
Comparison with group of solid state voltage standards
Nominal value : 1 V, 1.018 V, 10 V
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202010
DC resistance , DC resistance standards and sources: high values : 10 MΩ to 1.00E4 MΩ
Fixed resistor
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.2E1 µΩ/Ω to 2.5E2 µΩ/Ω
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µΩ/Ω)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"10 MΩ","col_2":"12"},"row_3":{"col_1":"100 MΩ","col_2":"19"},"row_4":{"col_1":"1 GΩ","col_2":"40"},"row_5":{"col_1":"10 GΩ","col_2":"250"}}
Series-parallel build-up resistors and substitution measurement
Air temperature : 20 °C to 25 °C
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 206120
Mass , Mass : 1 mg to 100 mg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2 µg to 4 µg
Comparison in air
Temperature : 18 °C to 23 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 24 October 2017
Institute service identifier : AS METROSERT/210284
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-EE-0000098F-1
Mass , Mass : 1 g to 10 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3 µg to 6 µg
Comparison in air
Temperature : 18 °C to 23 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 24 October 2017
Institute service identifier : AS METROSERT/210284
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-EE-0000098H-1
Linear dimensions , End standards : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length, L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.4E-2 µm to 0.11 µm
Q[0.054 µm, 0.91E-06 L]
Mechanical comparison
Material : steel, tungsten carbide, zirconia ceramic
Approved on 14 September 2018
Institute service identifier : 212610, 212611
Mass , Mass : 0.1 kg to 1 kg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.5E1 µg to 1.0E2 µg
Comparison in air
Temperature : 18 °C to 23 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 24 October 2017
Institute service identifier : AS METROSERT/210284
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-EE-0000098J-1
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage meters: intermediate values : 1.00E-3 V to 1000 V
DC voltmeter, multimeter
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.0E-4 mV to 4 mV
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µV/V)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"0 mV to 100 mV","col_2":"0.1 + 5<I>U</I>"},"row_3":{"col_1":"100 mV to 1 V","col_2":"0.5 + 1<I>U</I>"},"row_4":{"col_1":"1 V to 10 V","col_2":"2 + 1<I>U</I>"},"row_5":{"col_1":"10 V to 100 V","col_2":"3<I>U</I>"},"row_6":{"col_1":"100 V to 1000 V","col_2":"4<I>U</I>"}}
U is expressed in volt. The expanded uncertainty is given in µV.
Voltage ratio measurement
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 211302
DC current (up to 100 A) , DC current sources: intermediate values : 1 mA to 1.00E4 mA
Current generator, multifunction calibrator
Relative expanded uncertainty : 5 µA/A to 8 µA/A
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µA/A)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 mA","col_2":"5"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10 mA","col_2":"8"},"row_4":{"col_1":"100 mA","col_2":"8"},"row_5":{"col_1":"1 A","col_2":"8"},"row_6":{"col_1":"10 A","col_2":"8"}}
Voltage drop across a resistor
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202050
DC current (up to 100 A) , DC current meters: intermediate values : 1 mA to 1.00E4 mA
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.0E1 µA/A to 2.0E1 µA/A
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µA/A)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 mA","col_2":"10"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10 mA","col_2":"10"},"row_4":{"col_1":"100 mA","col_2":"10"},"row_5":{"col_1":"1 A","col_2":"12"},"row_6":{"col_1":"10 A","col_2":"20"}}
DC current source
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202050
Linear dimensions , Line standards : 1.00E-3 m to 120 m
Engineer or surveyor tape, line spacing, L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 6.0E-2 mm to 1.9 mm
0.06 mm + 15E-06 L
Tape bench and comparison to laser interferometer
Material : steel
Approved on 14 September 2018
Institute service identifier : 212270; 212290; 212300
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage sources: intermediate values : 10 V to 1000 V
DC voltage source, multifunction calibrator
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.2E-2 mV to 4 mV
{"row_1": {"col_1":"", "col_2":"Expanded uncertainty"}, "row_2": {"col_1":"1 mV to 100 mV", "col_2":"0.1 + 5<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_3": {"col_1":"100 mV to 1 V", "col_2":"0.5 + 1<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_4": {"col_1":"1 V to 10 V", "col_2":"2 + 1<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_5": {"col_1":"10 V to 100 V", "col_2":"3<em>U<\/em>"}, "row_6": {"col_1":"100 V to 1000 V", "col_2":"4<em>U<\/em>"}}
U is expressed in volt. The expanded uncertainty is given in µV.
Voltage ratio measurement
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202010, 202050
DC current (up to 100 A) , DC current sources: low values : 10 µA to 100 µA
Current generator, multifunction calibrator
Relative expanded uncertainty : 5 µA/A to 5.0E1 µA/A
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (µA/A)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 µA","col_2":"50"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10 µA","col_2":"5"}}
Voltage drop across a resistor
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : 202050
Mass , Mass : 10 g to 100 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 6 µg to 1.5E1 µg
Comparison in air
Temperature : 18 °C to 23 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 24 October 2017
Institute service identifier : AS METROSERT/210284
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-EE-0000098I-1

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.