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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Canada, NRC (National Research Council)
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in kg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in kg/kg Mass fraction in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
high purity aluminium aluminum 0.999 to 0.9999999 5.0E-3 to 5.0E-7
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
food (fish) aluminum 3 to 3000 0.6 to 1.0E2 10.9 to 25.2 1.7 to 2.4
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM DORM-4, CRM DOLT-5
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : MEF-13
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001E7-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g
fresh water aluminum 0.07 to 5000 4.0E-3 to 6.0E1 49.5 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM SLRS-5
  • Approved on 27 March 2013
  • Institute service identifier : TEW01
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000000BK-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
sediment aluminum 600 to 2.00E5 4.0E1 to 5.0E3 7300 to 7.91E4 5.0E2 to 2.0E3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM HISS-1, CRM MESS-4, CRM PACS-3
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : MES24
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001DL-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
tissue aluminum 3 to 3000 0.6 to 1.0E2 10.9 to 25.2 1.7 to 2.4
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM DOLT-2, CRM DORM-2
  • Approved on 15 July 2016
  • Institute service identifier : TEB01
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000003BY-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
mass fraction, mg/kg in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg mass fraction, mg/kg in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
ores aluminum 1.6 to 100 0.16 to 5 2.7 to 12.3 0.8 to 1.6
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration services, CRM UCLO-1, CRM UCHI-1, CRM UPER-1
  • As presented in NRC's Record of Participation Table (graphical presentation), only one value d/U (-1.10 for As in 2003 ) out of a total of 65 is outside the -1.0 and 1.0 range, demonstrating our track record measurement capability for the past 22 years.
  • Approved on 30 June 2022
  • Institute service identifier : MYC29
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-00000NRB-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
mass fraction, mg/kg in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg mass fraction, mg/kg in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
ores antimony 0.1 to 35 1.0E-2 to 2 0.45 4.0E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration services, CRM UPER-1
  • As presented in NRC's Record of Participation Table (graphical presentation), only one value d/U (-1.10 for As in 2003 ) out of a total of 65 is outside the -1.0 and 1.0 range, demonstrating our track record measurement capability for the past 22 years.
  • Approved on 30 June 2022
  • Institute service identifier : MYC30
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-00000NRC-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g Mass fraction in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
fresh water antimony 5.00E-3 to 0.7 3.0E-4 to 2.0E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Internal calibration service
  • Approved on 27 March 2013
  • Institute service identifier : TEW02
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000000BL-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
mass fraction, mg/kg in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg mass fraction, mg/kg in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
food antimony 5 to 200 0.5 to 1.6E1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration services
  • As presented in NRC's Record of Participation Table (graphical presentation), only one value d/U (-1.10 for As in 2003 ) out of a total of 65 is outside the -1.0 and 1.0 range, demonstrating our track record measurement capability for the past 22 years.
  • Approved on 23 August 2022
  • Institute service identifier : MEF-36
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-00000NQX-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in kg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in kg/kg Mass fraction in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
high purity antimony antimony 0.999 to 0.9999999 5.0E-3 to 5.0E-7
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
sediment antimony 0.1 to 35 1.0E-2 to 2 1.07 to 14.7 0.16 to 2.2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM MESS-4, CRM PACS-3, CRM HISS-1
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : TES01
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001CZ-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
ores arsenic 0.4 to 200 4.0E-2 to 1.5E1 23.3 to 161 1.1 to 9
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration services, CRM UCHI-1, CRM UPER-1
  • Approved on 24 August 2022
  • Institute service identifier : MYC31
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-00000NS0-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g Mass fraction in µg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/kg
fresh water arsenic 0.05 to 1000 5.0E-3 to 2.0E1 0.413 3.9E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM SLRS-5
  • Approved on 27 March 2013
  • Institute service identifier : TEW03
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000000BM-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
cellulosic nanomaterial arsenic 2.00E-3 to 5 2.0E-4 to 0.3 2.00E-3 to 0.035 6.0E-4 to 1.0E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM CNC-1, CRM CNCS-1
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : TEN-1
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001FD-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
tissue arsenic 5.00E-3 to 300 1.5E-3 to 2.0E1 2.83 to 59.5 0.13 to 3.8
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM DOLT-5,CRM DORM-4, CRM TORT-3, CRM LUTS-1
  • Approved on 15 July 2016
  • Institute service identifier : TEB02
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000003C1-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in kg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in kg/kg Mass fraction in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
high purity arsenic arsenic 0.999 to 0.9999999 5.0E-3 to 5.0E-7
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g Mass fraction in µg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/kg
seawater arsenic 0.02 to 10 5.0E-3 to 1 1.21 to 1.4 9.0E-2 to 0.12
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM CASS-5, CRM NASS-6, CRM SLEW-3
  • Approved on 27 March 2013
  • Institute service identifier : TEW19
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000000C2-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
sediment arsenic 0.1 to 900 2.0E-2 to 3.0E1 0.801 to 30.3 9.9E-2 to 2.4
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM HISS-1,CRM MESS-4, CRM PACS-3
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : TES02
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001D0-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
food (fish, lobster, shrimp, squid) arsenic 5.00E-3 to 300 2.0E-3 to 1.5E1 2.83 to 59.5 0.13 to 3.8
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM DOLT-5,CRM DORM-4, CRM TORT-3, CRM LUTS-1, CRM PRON-1, CRM SQID-1
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : MEF-14
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001E8-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
food (fish, lobster, shrimp, squid) arsenobetaine 0.2 to 1000 5.0E-2 to 2.0E1 1.2 to 54.9 6.0E-2 to 2.5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM TORT-3, CRM DORM-4, CRM SQID-1, CRM PRON-1
  • Approved on 15 July 2017
  • Institute service identifier : MEF-15
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-CA-000001E9-1

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.