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642 results
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Chemical Analyte
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Brazil, INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia)
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in S/m Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in S/m
aqueous solution 0.15 to 1.5 2.1E-4 to 2.1E-3 0.15 to 1.5 2.1E-4 to 2.1E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRMs 8845 and 8478 and meas. service 8821
  • Temperature at (25.000 +/- 0.005) °C.
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8845, 8478 and 8822
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000001XB-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer 8.5 to 9.5 4.0E-3 to 9.0E-3 8.5 to 9.5 4.0E-3 to 1.3E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM 8856 and meas. service 8821
  • Temperature range: 15 °C to 37 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8856 and 8821
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000000ZJ-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer 6.8 to 7.5 3.0E-3 to 5.0E-3 6.8 to 7.5 3.0E-3 to 6.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM 8855 and meas. service 8821
  • Temperature range: 15 °C to 37 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8855 and 8821
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000000ZG-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer 9.5 to 10.5 1.8E-3 9.5 to 10.5 1.8E-3 to 1.3E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM 8853 and measurement service 8821
  • CRM as aqueous solution packed in 250 mL borosilicate glass bottles with one year expiration date.
    Temperature range for service and given values: 25°C.
    The declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention.
  • Approved on 24 June 2021
  • Institute service identifier : 8853 and 8821
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000000ZH-4
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer 1.67 to 1.72 5.0E-3 to 2.0E-2 1.67 to 1.72 5.0E-3 to 6.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM 8847 and meas. Service 8821
  • Temperature range: 15 °C to 37 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8847 and 8821
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000000ZI-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in S/m Electrolytic conductivity in % Absolute expanded uncertainty in %
aqueous solution 1 to 15 9.8E-4 to 1.5E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Measurement service 8822
  • Reference temperature: (15.000 to 25.000 +/- 0.009) °C
  • Approved on 08 September 2023
  • Institute service identifier : 8822
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000O87-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer 3.8 to 4.2 3.0E-3 3.8 to 4.2 3.0E-3 to 6.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM 8832 and meas. service 8821
  • Temperature range: 15 °C to 37 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8832 and 8821
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000000ZF-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in µS/cm Absolute expanded uncertainty in µS/cm Electrolytic conductivity in µS/cm Absolute expanded uncertainty in µS/cm
bioethanol 0.5 to 5 8.0E-2 to 0.5 0.5 to 5 8.0E-2 to 0.5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRMs 8648 and 8313
  • Matrix: hydrous or anhydrous bioethanol derived from sugar cane. Temperature at (25.000 +/- 0.005) °C.
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8648 and 8313
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000001X8-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in µS/cm Absolute expanded uncertainty in µS/cm Electrolytic conductivity in µS/cm Absolute expanded uncertainty in µS/cm
30% n-propanol/70% aqueous KCl solution 1.5 to 150 9.0E-3 to 0.15 1.5 to 150 5.7E-2 to 1.2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM 8348, 8435 and 8846, measurement service 8822
  • Reference temperature: (25.000 +/- 0.009) °C
  • Approved on 08 September 2023
  • Institute service identifier : 8348, 8435, 8846 and 8822
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000001X9-5
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in µS/cm Absolute expanded uncertainty in µS/cm Electrolytic conductivity in µS/cm Absolute expanded uncertainty in µS/cm
aqueous solution 15 to 150 0.1 to 1 15 to 150 0.1 to 1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRMs 8436, 8846 and 8485 and meas. service 8821
  • Temperature at (25.000 +/- 0.005) °C.
  • Approved on 23 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : 8436, 8846, 8485 and 8822
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000001XA-2
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in S/m Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in S/m
aqueous solution 0.016 to 0.15 3.0E-5 to 2.8E-4 0.016 to 0.15 3.0E-5 to 2.8E-4
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRMs 8840 and 8844 and meas. service 8821
  • Temperature at (25.000 +/- 0.005) °C.
  • Approved on 20 July 2020
  • Institute service identifier : 8840, 8844 and 8822
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000LQH-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/kg Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in µg/kg Relative expanded uncertainty in %
Freeze-dried chicken breast meat 1-aminohydantoin (AHD) 2 to 12 1.8E1 to 1.2E1 4 to 7 2.4E1 to 2.0E1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM, Analytical services and value assignment for PT samples
  • The mass fraction of AHD in the CRM is related to the lyophilized material, as delivered. The CRM should be reconstituted with ultrapure water following the instructions of certificate. The mass fraction of AHD in reconstituted material is around the MRPL of 1 µg/kg for nitrofurans metabolites (Commission Decision 2003/181/EC).
  • Approved on 26 September 2021
  • Institute service identifier : To be defined during CRM release
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000N6U-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/g Mass fraction in mg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/g
cachaca (alcoholic beverage) 2-methyl-1-butanol 0.099 to 1.58 5.0E-3 to 8.0E-2 0.99 5.0E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM
  • Approved on 20 July 2020
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000LQN-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/kg Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in µg/kg Relative expanded uncertainty in %
Freeze-dried chicken breast meat 3-Amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) 2 to 12 8 to 1.8E1 4 to 7 1.5E1 to 2.2E1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM, Analtycal Services and value assignment for PT samples
  • The mass fraction of AOZ in the CRM is related to the lyophilized material, as delivered. The CRM should be reconstituted with ultrapure water following the instructions of certificate. The mass fraction of AOZ in reconstituted material is around the MRPL of 1 µg/kg for nitrofurans metabolites (Commission Decision 2003/181/EC).
  • Approved on 11 June 2021
  • Institute service identifier : To be defined during CRM release
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000MCX-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/kg Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in µg/kg Relative expanded uncertainty in %
Freeze-dried chicken breast meat 3-Amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidinone (AMOZ) 2 to 12 1.8E1 to 1.2E1 4 to 7 1.8E1 to 1.2E1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM, Analytical services and value assignment for PT samples
  • The mass fraction of AMOZ in the CRM is related to the lyophilized material, as delivered. The CRM should be reconstituted with ultrapure water following the instructions of certificate. The mass fraction of AMOZ in reconstituted material is around the MRPL of 1 µg/kg for nitrofurans metabolites (Commission Decision 2003/181/EC).
  • Approved on 26 September 2021
  • Institute service identifier : To be defined during CRM release
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000N6T-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/g Mass fraction in mg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/g
cachaca (alcoholic beverage) 3-methyl-1-butanol 0.099 to 1.59 7.0E-3 to 0.11 1.04 7.0E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM
  • Approved on 20 July 2020
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000LQO-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/g Mass fraction in µg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/g
multicomponent toluene solution acenaphthene 1 to 11 0.1 to 0.5 4.77 0.23
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : MRC 8363.0001
  • Approved on 20 July 2020
  • Institute service identifier : 8363c
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000099-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/g Mass fraction in µg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/g
multicomponent toluene solution acenaphthylene 1 to 11 0.1 to 0.5 4.86 0.2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : MRC 8363.0001
  • Approved on 20 July 2020
  • Institute service identifier : 8363b
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000098-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in µg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in µg/g
acetonitrile solution acephate 50 to 1200 5 to 2 1094 4.9E1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : MRC 7561
  • Approved on 13 June 2024
  • Institute service identifier : 7561
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-00000POV-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg
natural water, synthetic water, acid solution (up to 10 %) aluminum 0.6 to 100 3.0E-2 to 3 0.1 to 100 6.0E-3 to 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Assing values to PT scheme samples and measurement services. Certified reference materials.
  • Approved on 20 July 2020
  • Institute service identifier : MRC 8356
  • CMC ID : SIM-QM-BR-000001WM-2

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.