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Ionizing radiation
Chemical Analyte
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Australia, ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 5.00E4 Bq/g to 5.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.4 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Sc-46, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2030
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 5.00E4 Bq/g to 5.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 3 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Na-22, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2029
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2.00E4 Bq/g to 2.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.8 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Mn-54, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4π(e,x)-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2013
CMC ID : APMP-RI-AU-00000GN4-1
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2000 Bq/g to 2.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.6 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Ce-141, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2004
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 5.00E5 Bq/g to 5.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Ce-139, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πx-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2018
CMC ID : APMP-RI-AU-00000GN9-1
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2000 Bq/g to 2.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.8 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Cs-134, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2008
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2000 Bq/g to 2.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1.2 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Fe-59, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2011
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 9.00E4 Bq/g to 9.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1.5 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Fe-59, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2026
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2.00E5 Bq/g to 2.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 2 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
I-131, 5 ml solution in Wheaton vial
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2027
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 1.00E5 Bq/g to 1.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.9 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Mn-54, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4π(e,x)-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2028
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 9.00E4 Bq/g to 9.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 2.8 %
High pressure well type ionization chamber, balance
F-18, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ efficiency tracer, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2025
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 5000 Bq/g to 5.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 2.7 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Cs-137, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ efficiency tracing, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2009
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2000 Bq/g to 2.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 2 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
F-18, fluorodeoxy-glucose
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ efficiency tracing, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2010
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2.00E4 Bq/g to 1.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Ce-141, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2019
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 3.00E6 Bq/g to 3.00E8 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Am-241, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πα-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2016
CMC ID : APMP-RI-AU-00000GN7-1
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2.00E5 Bq/g to 2.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Ba-133, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2017
CMC ID : APMP-RI-AU-00000GN8-1
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 3.00E6 Bq/g to 3.00E8 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 2 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Cr-51, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4πx-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2022
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2.00E4 Bq/g to 2.00E7 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1.7 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Co-57, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4π(e,x)-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2005
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 2000 Bq/g to 2.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.7 %
4πβ-γ absolute measurement, balance
Ba-133, no further specifications
Reference standard : 4πβ-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2002
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide, solution : 4.00E4 Bq/g to 4.00E6 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.8 %
High pressure, well type ionization chamber, balance
Y-88, 3.6 ml solution in glass ampoule
Reference standard : 4π(e,x)-γ absolute measurement, standard set of weights
Source of traceability : ANSTO
Approved on 14 February 2005
Institute service identifier : APM-RAD-ANSTO-2032

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.