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Chemical Analyte
In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Argentina, CNEA (National Commission of Atomic Energy)
Ionizing radiation
Activity , Solution, single-radionuclide source : 1.00E7 Bq to 4.00E10 Bq
Relative expanded uncertainty 4 %
Ionization chamber dose calibrator
Sm-153, 5 mL in LMR vials
Reference standard : Gamma ray spectrometer (efficiency curve)
Source of traceability : LNE-LNHB, CNEA-LMR
Approved on 10 October 2013
Institute service identifier : SIM-RAD-CNEA-2088
CMC ID : SIM-RI-AR-00000H0H-1
Austria, BEV (Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen)
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide solution : 2.00E6 Bq/g to 1.00E10 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1 %
Well type ionization chamber, balance
Sm-153, no further specifications
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : NPL (Bq), BEV (g)
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-2051
Belgium, SMD (Service de la Métrologie Belge)
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : -189 °C to 0 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.4 mK
Measurement at fixed points
Ambient temperature : (22 ± 1) °C
Three zone furnace
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : SMD/3.1
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066Q-1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : 0 °C to 231 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.1 mK
Measurement at fixed points
Ambient temperature : (22 ± 1) °C
Three zone furnace
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : SMD/3.5
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066U-1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : -38 °C to 29 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.8 mK
Measurement at fixed points
Ambient temperature : (22 ± 1) °C
Three zone furnace
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : SMD/3.2
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066R-1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : -38.8344 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.7 mK
Measurement at mercury point
Temperature controlled bath
Approved on 20 May 2010
Institute service identifier : SMD/2.2
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066K-1
Mass , Mass : 1000 kg to 5000 kg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.0E1 g to 5.0E1 g
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Mass , Mass : 0.1 kg to 1 kg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.5E1 µg to 1.5E2 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Mass , Mass : 10 g to 100 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7 µg to 1.5E1 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Mass , Mass : 1 g to 10 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3 µg to 7 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : 0.01 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.3 mK
Measurement at water triple point
Temperature-controlled bath
Approved on 20 January 2010
Institute service identifier : SMD/2.3
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066D-1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : -189.3442 °C
Argon cell
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.8 mK
Direct comparison
Adiabatic calorimeter
Approved on 20 May 2010
Institute service identifier : SMD/1.1
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066E-1
Mass , Mass : 0.1 g to 1 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2 µg to 3 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Mass , Mass : 1 mg to 100 mg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1 µg to 2 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Impedance (up to the MHz range) , Capacitance for low loss capacitors : 1 pF to 1000 pF
Fixed capacitor: air, 4TP
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.7E2 µF/F to 1.7E3 µF/F
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"100 Hz","col_3":"1 kHz","col_4":"10 kHz","col_5":"100 kHz","col_6":"1 MHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 pF","col_2":"-","col_3":"620","col_4":"180","col_5":"290","col_6":"1700"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10 pF","col_2":"-","col_3":"210","col_4":"170","col_5":"240","col_6":"990"},"row_4":{"col_1":"100 pF","col_2":"-","col_3":"170","col_4":"170","col_5":"180","col_6":"420"},"row_5":{"col_1":"1 nF","col_2":"-","col_3":"170","col_4":"170","col_5":"200","col_6":"540"},"row_6":{"col_1":"10 nF","col_2":"100","col_3":"80","col_4":"220","col_5":"240","col_6":"-"},"row_7":{"col_1":"100 nF","col_2":"100","col_3":"80","col_4":"220","col_5":"240","col_6":"-"},"row_8":{"col_1":"1 µF","col_2":"140","col_3":"120","col_4":"400","col_5":"450","col_6":"-"}}
The expanded uncertainties are expressed in µF/F
Frequency : 1 kHz to 1 MHz
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : SMD/69
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage sources: single values : 1 V to 10 V
Solid state voltage standard
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.0E2 nV/V to 1.5E2 nV/V
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / (nV/V)","col_3":"Method of measurement","col_4":"Reference standard used in calibration"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 V","col_2":"150","col_3":"Direct comparison with standard","col_4":"Josephson Voltage Standard"},"row_3":{"col_1":"1.018 V","col_2":"150","col_3":"Direct comparison with standard","col_4":"Josephson Voltage Standard"},"row_4":{"col_1":"10 V","col_2":"100","col_3":"Direct comparison with standard","col_4":"Josephson Voltage Standard"}}
The expanded uncertainties are expressed in nV
Direct comparison with standard
Fixed voltage : 1 V, 1.018 V, 10 V
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : SMD/1
Linear dimensions , Diameter standards : 0.5 mm to 300 mm
External cylinder (plug): diameter D
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.14 µm to 0.3 µm
Q[0.14 µm, 0.86E-06 D]
1-D comparator and 2 spherical probes
Reference : plug
Approved on 10 October 2017
Institute service identifier :
Impedance (up to the MHz range) , Capacitance: capacitance for low loss capacitors : 1 pF to 1000 pF
Fixed capacitor, decadic values, air, 4TP
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.7E2 µF/F to 2.1E2 µF/F
{"row_1":{"col_1":"<br>","col_2":"1 kHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 pF","col_2":"210"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10 pF","col_2":"210"},"row_4":{"col_1":"100 pF","col_2":"210"},"row_5":{"col_1":"1000 pF","col_2":"170"},"row_6":{"col_1":"","col_2":""},"row_7":{"col_1":"","col_2":""},"row_8":{"col_1":"","col_2":""}}
Uncertainty expressed in µF/F
Frequency : 1 kHz
LCR meter
Approved on 10 June 2021
Institute service identifier :
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : 0 °C to 419 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.6 mK to 2.9 mK
Measurement at fixed points
Ambient temperature : (22 ± 1) °C
Three zone furnace
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : SMD/3.6
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066V-1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : 0 °C to 156 °C
Long stem SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.7 mK to 1.8 mK
Measurement at fixed points
Ambient temperature : (22 ± 1) °C
Three zone furnace
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : SMD/3.4
CMC ID : EURAMET-T-BE-0000066T-1

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.