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113 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Peru, INACAL (National Institute for Quality)
DC resistance , DC resistance meter: intermediate values : 1 Ω to 2.00E7 Ω
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2.5E1 µΩ/Ω to 7.1E1 µΩ/Ω
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"µΩ/Ω","col_3":"mΩ/Ω"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 Ω to 2 Ω","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_3":{"col_1":"< 2 Ω to 10 Ω","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_4":{"col_1":"< 10 Ω to 20 Ω","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_5":{"col_1":"< 20 Ω to 100 Ω","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_6":{"col_1":"< 100 Ω to 200 Ω","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_7":{"col_1":"< 0.2 kΩ to 1 kΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_8":{"col_1":"< 1 kΩ to 2 kΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_9":{"col_1":"< 2 kΩ to 10 kΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_10":{"col_1":"< 10 kΩ to 20 kΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_11":{"col_1":"< 20 kΩ to 100 kΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_12":{"col_1":"< 100 kΩ to 200 kΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_13":{"col_1":"< 0.2 MΩ to 1 MΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_14":{"col_1":"< 1 MΩ to 2 MΩ","col_2":"25","col_3":"-"},"row_15":{"col_1":"< 2 MΩ to 10 MΩ","col_2":"71","col_3":"-"},"row_16":{"col_1":"< 10 MΩ to 20 MΩ","col_2":"32","col_3":"-"},"row_17":{"col_1":"< 20 MΩ to 100 MΩ","col_2":"-","col_3":"0.62"},"row_18":{"col_1":"< 100 MΩ to 200 MΩ","col_2":"-","col_3":"0.22"},"row_19":{"col_1":"< 0.2 GΩ to 1 GΩ","col_2":"-","col_3":"6.5"},"row_20":{"col_1":"< 1 GΩ to 2 GΩ","col_2":"-","col_3":"2.5"}}
Direct comparison (4-wire mode, guarded)
Ambient air temperature : 23 °C ± 1 °C
Modified on 26 June 2015
Approved on 09 October 2012
Institute service identifier : INACAL/LE 036
CMC ID : SIM-EM-PE-00000711-1
DC current (up to 100 A) , DC current meters: low values : 1.00E-4 A to 20 A
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2.0E1 µA/A to 7.5E2 µA/A
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"<I>U</I>"},"row_2":{"col_1":"100 µA to 200 µA","col_2":"20"},"row_3":{"col_1":"&lt; 0.2 mA to 1 mA","col_2":"40"},"row_4":{"col_1":"&lt; 1 mA to 2 mA","col_2":"20"},"row_5":{"col_1":"&lt; 2 mA to 10 mA","col_2":"43"},"row_6":{"col_1":"&lt; 10 mA to 20 mA","col_2":"25"},"row_7":{"col_1":"&lt; 20 mA to 100 mA","col_2":"110"},"row_8":{"col_1":"&lt; 100 mA to 200 mA","col_2":"70"},"row_9":{"col_1":"&lt; 0.2 A to 1 A","col_2":"332"},"row_10":{"col_1":"&lt; 1 A to 2 A","col_2":"252"},"row_11":{"col_1":"&lt; 2 A to 10 A","col_2":"750"},"row_12":{"col_1":"&lt; 10 A to 20 A","col_2":"550"}}
The expanded uncertainties U given in this table are expressed in µA/A
Direct comparison
Modified on 26 June 2015
Approved on 09 October 2012
Institute service identifier : INACAL/LE 036
CMC ID : SIM-EM-PE-0000070Z-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 80 °C to 250 °C
Digital thermometer thermocouple (base metal)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.5 °C
Comparison bath : oil with equalizer block
Predetermined value of inhomogeneity included in the CMC entry
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 013
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000B01-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 0 °C
Digital thermometer PRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.2E1 mK
Ice melting point
Fixed point : ice melting point (BIPM specifications)
Hysteresis uncertainty for each PRT must be added to the combined uncertainty
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 037
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000AZU-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 80 °C to 250 °C
Digital thermometer PRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.7E1 mK
Comparison bath : oil with equalizer block
Hysteresis uncertainty for each PRT must be added to the combined uncertainty
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 037
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000AZX-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 0 °C to 420 °C
type E thermocouple
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.7 °C
Baths : equalizer block
Predetermined value of inhomogeneity included in the CMC entry
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 013
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000B0G-1
Frequency , Frequency : 1 Hz to 2000 Hz
General frequency source
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.0E-7 Hz/Hz
Direct measurement comparison with reference to local standard
Gate time : 10 s
Number of measurements : 10
This service refers to the calibration of general frequency source such as stroboscope or strobocopic lamps.
Approved on 06 September 2018
Institute service identifier : INACAL/LTF 004
CMC ID : SIM-TF-PE-00000C2B-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : -39 °C to 250 °C
Liquid-in-glass thermomete: scale division 0.2 °C, total inmersion
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-2 °C
Comparison bath : ethanol, water, oil with equalizer block
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 013
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000B0W-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 0 °C to 80 °C
Liquid-in-glass thermomete: scale division 0.02 °C, total inmersion
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.5E-2 °C
Comparison bath : ethanol, water with equalizer block
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 037
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000B0N-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 0 °C
Liquid-in-glass thermomete: scale division 0.1 °C, total inmersion
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.8E-2 °C
Ice melting point
Fixed point : ice melting point (BIPM specifications)
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : INACAL LT 013
CMC ID : SIM-T-PE-00000B0T-1
Mass , Conventional mass : 1 g to 10 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3 µg to 6 µg
Subdivision method
Temperature : 18 °C to 27 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Approved on 25 July 2019
Institute service identifier : PC-LM-001
CMC ID : SIM-M-PE-00000JHX-1
Density , Volume of solid : 128.041 cm3 to 640.2 cm3
volume of mass standard 1 kg to 5 kg
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.0E-2 cm3 to 3.0E-2 cm3
Hydrostatic weighing
Liquid temperature    : 18 °C to 22  °C
Approved on 12 January 2023
Institute service identifier : INACAL
CMC ID : SIM-M-PE-00000NWK-1
Mass , Conventional mass : 50 kg
Mass standards
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.0E1 mg
mass standard
Mass standard
Temperature    : 18 °C to 27  °C
Humidity   :  40% to 60 %  
Approved on 15 December 2022
Institute service identifier : PC-LM-001
CMC ID : SIM-M-PE-00000O0U-1

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.