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34 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Canada, NRC (National Research Council)
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 0.01 to 1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1 %
Variable angle reflectance accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 380 nm to 2300 nm
Polarization : p
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : 15 ° to 75 °
Uncertainties increase for angles of incidence close to Brewster
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-54
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MY-1
Spectral properties of materials , Radiance factor, spectral : 5.00E-3 to 1.1
Diffusely reflecting material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.7 %
Scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 360 nm to 400 nm at 1 nm intervals
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Approved on 20 January 2015
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-26
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009N5-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 0.1 to 0.5
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.5 %
VW accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 200 nm to 2500 nm at 10 nm intervals
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : normal incidence
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-11D
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MS-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 0.01 to 1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.5 %
Variable angle reflectance accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 380 nm to 2300 nm
Polarization : s
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : 15 ° to 75 °
Uncertainties increase for angles of incidence close to Brewster
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-54
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MX-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular spectral : 0.01 to 1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 %
Variable angle reflectance accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 205 nm to 380 nm
Polarization : p
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Geometry : 15 ° to 75 °
Uncertainties increase for angles of incidence close to Brewster
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-52
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MW-1
Spectral properties of materials , Transmittance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-3 to 1
Neutral filters
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 % to 0.3 %
Scanning spectro-photometer, direct/cascade
Wavelength range : 855 nm to 900 nm
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Uncertainty is lower in the region of the detector/grating changeover wavelength
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-9
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009ME-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 0.5 to 1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.25 %
VW accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 200 nm to 2500 nm at 10 nm intervals
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : normal incidence
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-11D
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MR-1
Spectral properties of materials , Transmittance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-3 to 1
Neutral filters
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.5 % to 0.25 %
Scanning spectro-photometer, direct/cascade
Wavelength range : 905 nm to 3000 nm
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-9
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MF-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular spectral : 0.01 to 1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1 %
Variable angle reflectance accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 205 nm to 380 nm
Polarization : s
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Geometry : 15 ° to 75 °
Uncertainties increase for angles of incidence close to Brewster
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-52
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MV-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-3 to 0.01
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 5 %
VW accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 200 nm to 2500 nm at 1 nm intervals
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : normal incidence
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-11D
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MU-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 0.01 to 0.1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.5 %
VW accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 200 nm to 2500 nm at 10 nm intervals
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : normal incidence
Approved on 03 January 2018
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-11D
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MT-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-3 to 0.01
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 4 %
Variable angle reflectance accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 380 nm to 2300 nm
Polarization : p
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : 15 ° to 75 °
Uncertainties increase for angles of incidence close to Brewster
Approved on 03 January 2018
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009N0-1
Spectral properties of materials , Reflectance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-3 to 0.01
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 %
Variable angle reflectance accessory on scanning spectrophotometer
Wavelength range : 380 nm to 2300 nm
Polarization : s
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Geometry : 15 ° to 75 °
Uncertainties increase for angles of incidence close to Brewster
Approved on 03 January 2018
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MZ-1
Spectral properties of materials , Transmittance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-3 to 1
Neutral filters
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1 % to 0.2 %
Scanning spectro-photometer, direct/cascade
Wavelength range : 200 nm to 850 nm
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm to 5 nm (UV-VIS)
Bandwidth : 0.2 nm to 20 nm (NIR)
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : NRC/33-6-3-9
CMC ID : SIM-PR-CA-000009MD-1
Serbia, VINS (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences)
Ionizing radiation
Personal dose equivalent/rate, penetrating , Active or passive personal dosimeter : 9.60E-6 Sv/h to 6.80E-3 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 4.6 %
Irradiation on phantom in a calibrated field
Cs-137, ISO 4037
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : IAEA
Approved on 27 November 2019
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-VINS-1007
Ionizing radiation
Ambient dose equivalent/rate , Survey meter, area monitor : 9.60E-6 Sv/h to 6.80E-3 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 4.6 %
Irradiation in a calibrated field in air
Cs-137, ISO 4037
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : IAEA
Approved on 27 November 2019
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-VINS-1005
Ionizing radiation
Kerma/rate , Protection ionisation chamber : 5.00E-7 Gy to 0.15 Gy
Relative expanded uncertainty 2 %
Calibration against a secondary standard free in air
Cs-137, ISO 4037
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : IAEA
Approved on 27 November 2019
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-VINS-1004
Ionizing radiation
Personal dose equivalent/rate, penetrating , Active or passive personal dosimeter : 5.00E-7 Sv to 0.15 Sv
Relative expanded uncertainty 4.6 %
Irradiation on phantom in a calibrated field
Cs-137, ISO 4037
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : IAEA
Approved on 27 November 2019
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-VINS-1008
Ionizing radiation
Ambient dose equivalent/rate , Survey meter, area monitor : 2.50E-6 Sv/h to 3 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 4.6 %
Irradiation in a calibrated field in air
Co-60, ISO 4037
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : IAEA
Approved on 27 November 2019
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-VINS-1013
Ionizing radiation
Kerma/rate , Protection ionisation chamber : 2.50E-7 Gy to 30 Gy
Relative expanded uncertainty 2 %
Calibration against a secondary standard free in air
Co-60, ISO 4037
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : IAEA
Approved on 27 November 2019
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-VINS-1012

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.