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73 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Saudi Arabia, SASO-NMCC (National Measurement and Calibration Center - Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization)
Radio frequency measurements , Scattering parameters: Reflection coefficient in coaxials (real and imaginary) : -1 to 1
Passive device: type N
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-3 to 5.9E-2
{"row_1":{"col_1":"Frequency","col_2":"100 kHz to 1 GHz","col_3":"1 GHz to 6 GHz","col_4":"6 GHz to 18 GHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"Type N 0 ≤ VRC ≤ 0.1","col_2":"0.0070","col_3":"0.011","col_4":"0.013"},"row_3":{"col_1":"Type N 0.1 < VRC ≤ 1","col_2":"0.017","col_3":"0.040","col_4":"0.059"}}
Vector network analyser (VNA)
Frequency range : 100 kHz to 18 GHz
Connector type : type N
Information on resultts in "10.1051/metrology/201707008"
Approved on 26 January 2022
Time interval , Time interval : 2.00E-9 s to 1.00E5 s
Pulse width source
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.0E2 ps
Wide band-width oscilloscope
Approved on 24 March 2022
Mass , Mass : 1 mg to 100 mg
Mass standards
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.6 µg to 1 µg
Comparison in air
Approved on 16 September 2022
Institute service identifier : SASO-NMCC
AC power , AC power and energy: three phase (frequency <= 400 Hz), reactive power : 0.6 var to 2.30E4 var
Power meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 6.0E1 µvar/VA
Comparison with reference standard
Voltage : 60 V to 230 V
Current  : 0.01 A to 100 A
Phase : 0.5 to 1,  inductive or capacitive; 
Frequency : 53 Hz and 60 Hz
The given range is "per phase"
Approved on 10 February 2022
Institute service identifier : EL-PE-01
AC power , AC power and energy: three phase (frequency <= 400 Hz), reactive power : 0.6 W to 2.30E4 W
Power meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 6.0E1 µW/VA
Comparison with reference standard
Voltage  : 60 V to 230 V
Current  : 0.01 A to 100 A
Phase : 0.5 to 1,  inductive or capacitive; 
Frequency : 53 Hz and 60 Hz
The given range is "per phase"
Approved on 01 March 2022
Institute service identifier : EL-PE-01
Linear dimensions , End standards : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.0E1 nm to 4.0E1 nm
{"row_1":{"col_1":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Quantity</font>","col_2":"Instrument/ Artefact","col_3":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Measurement Range</font>","col_4":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\" contenteditable=\"true\">Measurement Conditions</font>","col_5":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Expanded Uncertainty</font>","col_6":"Comments"},"row_2":{"col_1":"<font style=\"FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">End standards</font>","col_2":"<font style=\"FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Gauge block: central length L</font>","col_3":"<font style=\"FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\" contenteditable=\"true\">0.5 mm to 100 mm</font>","col_4":"Orientation: Vertical<br>Material : Steel<br>Wringing : Both Sides","col_5":"Q[30nm, 0.27e-6L], L in mm","col_6":"Interferometry exact fractions, Material: Steel"}}
Q[30nm, 0.27e-6L] L in mm, values range from 30 nm to 40 nm
The uncertainty is expressed in nm
Interferometry, exact fractions
ISO 3650:1998(E)
central length : L
Approved on 03 November 2021
Institute service identifier : LE-WL-02
Electric and magnetic fields , Electromagnetic fields above 50 kHz: magnetic field strength : 0.01 A/m to 80 A/m
Magnetic flux density meter, magnetic field strength meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 dB
TEM cell
IEEE std. 1309- 2013
Frequency : 50 kHz to 1 MHz
Approved on 02 December 2021
Institute service identifier : EL-EM-04
Electric and magnetic fields , Electromagnetic fields above 50 kHz: magnetic field strength : 0.01 A/m to 80 A/m
Field probe
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 dB
TEM cell
IEEE std. 1309- 2013
Frequency : 1 MHz to 400 MHz
Approved on 02 December 2021
Institute service identifier : EL-EM-05
Electric and magnetic fields , Electromagnetic fields above 50 kHz: electric field strength : 1 V/m to 200 V/m
Field probe
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 dB
IEEE std. 1309- 2013
Frequency : 100 kHz - 400 MHz
Approved on 02 December 2021
Institute service identifier : EL-EM-02
Linear dimensions , End standards : 125 mm to 1000 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 6.0E1 nm to 2.8E2 nm
{"row_1":{"col_1":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Quantity</font>","col_2":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Instrument/ Artefact</font>","col_3":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\" contenteditable=\"true\">Measurement Range</font>","col_4":"Measurement Conditions","col_5":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\" contenteditable=\"true\">Expanded Uncertainty</font>","col_6":"<font style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Comments </font>"},"row_2":{"col_1":"<font style=\"FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">End standards</font>","col_2":"Gauge block: central length L","col_3":"125 mm to 1000 mm","col_4":"Orientation: Horizontal<br>Material : Steel<br>Wringing : Both Sides","col_5":"Q[49nm, 0.28e-6], L in mm","col_6":"<font style=\"FONT-FAMILY: Arial;FONT-SIZE: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;TEXT-ALIGN: center;\">Interferometry exact fractions, Material: Steel</font>"}}
Q[49nm; 0.28e-6L] L in mm, values range from 60 nm to 284 nm
The uncertainty is expressed in nm
Interferometry exact fractions
Approved on 03 November 2021
Institute service identifier : LE-WL-03
Pressure , Gauge pressure : 5 MPa to 100 MPa
Pressure measurement device
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.1E2 Pa to 2.7E3 Pa
6E2 +2.1E-5p p pressure in Pa
The uncertainty is expressed in Pa
Oil medium
Approved on 20 February 2023
Pressure , Gauge pressure : 350 kPa to 7000 kPa

Pressure measurement device
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.1E1 Pa to 1.6E2 Pa
45 +1.7E-5p p pressure in Pa
The uncertainty is expressed in Pa
Gas medium
Approved on 13 May 2022
Form , Roundness standards : 0 µm to 300 µm
Internal cylinder: roundness R
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 4.2E1 nm to 6.0E3 nm
Q[42 nm; 20E-3 R]
Roundness instrument
Diameter : up to 300 mm

Approved on 29 December 2022
CMC ID : GULFMET-L-SA-00000O36-1
Density , Density : 600 kg/m3 to 610 kg/m3
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-2 kg/m3
Cuckow method (Hydrostatic weighing)
Approved on 23 April 2024
Institute service identifier : SASO-NMCC
Linear dimensions , Gauge block comparators: error of indicated displacement : 0 µm to 10 µm
Gauge block comparator
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.0E1 nm
Comparison to special gauge blocks
ISO 3650:1998(E)
Length : Up to 100 mm
Approved on 18 October 2024
Linear dimensions , central length L : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.6E1 nm to 9.0E1 nm
Q [56 nm, 0.7 L] The uncertainty is expressed in nm Where L in mm
Gauge blocks comparison by mechanical comparison method
ISO 3650:1998(E)
Approved on 18 October 2024
Radio frequency measurements , RF power: absolute power in coaxials : 0.01 mW to 100 mW
Power source, power meter: type N
Relative expanded uncertainty : 8.6 mW/W to 1.1E1 mW/W
{"row_1":{"col_1":"Frequency","col_2":"100 KHz to 30 MHz","col_3":"30 MHz to 2GHz","col_4":"2 GHz to 7 GHz","col_5":"8 GHz to 10 GHz","col_6":"11 GHz to 15 GHz","col_7":"15 GHz to 18 GHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"Type N","col_2":"11","col_3":"9.8","col_4":"8.6","col_5":"9.8","col_6":"8.7","col_7":"11"}}
Direct measurement
Frequency range : 100 kHz to 18 GHz
Connector type : type N
Approved on 26 January 2022
Mass , Mass : 10 g to 100 g
Mass standards
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5 µg to 1.0E1 µg
Comparison in air
Thank you for your valuable comments. The CMC was supported by GULFMET.M.M-K7 (10 g, and 100 g) comparison results with expanded uncertainty (4.4 µg, and 10 µg). It was also supported by GULFMET.M.M-S1 and GULFMET.M.M-S2 (20 g, and 50 g) with expanded uncertainty (3 µg, and 6 µg), which agrees with the results of the comparisons.
Approved on 20 February 2023
Institute service identifier : SASO-NMCC
Frequency , Frequency : 1 MHz to 10 MHz
Local frequency standard
Relative expanded uncertainty : 4.6E-13 Hz/Hz
{"row_1":{"col_1":"1 MHz, 5 MHz, <br>10 MHz<br><br>","col_2":"Sampling number: 60<br>\nMeasurement time: 1440 s","col_3":"4.6E-13<br><br>"}}
Phase measurement
Approved on 22 December 2021
Electric and magnetic fields , Magnetic fields below 50 kHz: magnetic field strength : 0.01 A/m to 80 A/m
Magnetic flux density meter, magnetic field strength meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.4 dB
Helmholtz coil
IEEE std. 1309- 2013
Frequency  : 1 kHz to 50kHz
Approved on 02 December 2021
Institute service identifier : EL-EM-04

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.