CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants (CODATA-TGFC)

codata-tgfc mission


The purpose of the CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants (CODATA-TGFC) is to periodically provide the scientific and technological communities with a self-consistent set of internationally recommended values of the fundamental physical constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry based on all of the relevant data available at a given point in time.

The CODATA-TGFC is not constituted under the auspices of the BIPM, but because of the close link between the SI units and fundamental constants, the CODATA-TGFC enjoys a close relationship between the CODATA-TGFC, the CCU, and the BIPM. This portal, created as a working website for the Task Group, is an example of this.

List of meetings

Meetings and related documents

Past Meeting

  • From 10 to 11
  • September
  • 2024

Past Meeting

  • From 12 to 13
  • September
  • 2023

Past Meeting

  • From 12 to 14
  • September
  • 2022

CODATA-TGFC - publications STATIC


  • Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (2021), 025010

    CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2018


    Tiesinga E., Mohr P.J., Newell D.B., Taylor B.N.


  • Metrologia 55 (2018) 125-146

    Data and analysis for the CODATA 2017 special fundamental constants adjustment


    Mohr P.J., Newell D.B., Taylor B.N., Tiesinga E.


  • Metrologia 55 (2018) L13-L16

    The CODATA 2017 values of h, e, k, and NA for the revision of the SI


    Newell D.B., Cabiati F., Fischer J., Fujii K., Karshenboim S.G., Margolis H.S., de Mirandés E., Mohr P.J., Nez F., Pachucki K., Quinn T.J., Taylor B.N., Wang M., Wood B.M., Zhang Z.


See also



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